So, I bought five new games today...

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Mr Mohawk

I walked into the Internet shop, noticed the game shelf was full. I saw some PC games, gandered over, and everything was selling for 3 pounds. Pfft, I thought, must be shi- OMG STALKER? I pick it up, then I see Guild Wars, pick it up, remember that I always wanted a few more medieval RPGs, pick up Dungeon Siege 2, even though I never heard of it, and Age Of Conan Hyborian Adventures or some sort. I then saw Killing Floor, and took it too.

Trouble is, I don't really have much of a clue about any of these games, and their manuals all seem to be very in depth. I don't need STALKER explained, it came with a complete guide to the game (This internet shop owner is seriously generous), but I do need to know your opinions on what game I should try to complete first :razz:

I've already tried STALKER, was killed by the first group I seen *Facepalm*
Dungeon Siege 2 I've tried, but I need a small break from it, I just can't seem to grasp what to do in it.
The other games require internet to play, so I cannot play them yet, but I want to hear from you all as to what I should play.
Kamos32 said:
Guild Wars and Conan are MMO's. Killing Floor is a shooter of some sort.

****. Thats not good. Are they suscription MMOs?
Tuckles said:
KF is a multiplayer coop shooter.

Really good fun.

AoC and GW are MMOs as said. GW has no monthly fee. Dunno if AoC has one.

You guys are just saying their MMOs... Doesn't sound like they are good D:

But heh, GW does indeed say "No Suscription Fee" on the front cover. Observation fail.

Tibertus said:
I wish I could find killing floor for that cheap. Damn.

Hehe, I knew I was getting a bargain. Apparently some fella came in with all these games, and asked the guy to sell them.

Ljas said:
Mr Mohawk said:
Dungeon Siege 2 I've tried, but I need a small break from it, I just can't seem to grasp what to do in it.
The tutorial section was rather self explanatory to me.

Yes, but see usually when I start playing a game, I grasp what is the "best" class/weapon to use. I can't really pick a difference. The ranged chars tend to do low damage and die if your party member dies; Melee chars tend to die instantly, and the mage char I tried ran out of mana every five seconds. It seems a hybrid would be wise, but the game insists on telling you that its a bad idea -.-
SootShade said:
GW. I don't know much about most of the other games, but you can trust GW to be better than any other MMO you've played. :razz:

It's the best I've played, even more so because it has no subscription fee so the bang:buck ratio is much, much more in favor of bang. It's entirely instanced, which means you never have to worry about griefers running around trolling you while you're out and about, and the campaigns play more like a linear Action RPG than anything else. The PvP is what keeps the game alive. If you play it & enjoy it for what it is, you should buy the Factions expansion. It adds the best PvP, alliance battles, which are composed of 3 groups of 4 players each for each side, giving you 12v12, and it's similar in setup to Conquest mode in Battlefield.
I've played all of those games.  :eek:

Guild wars, good fun, played it for like what, 3 years on and off?
Stalker, also a good game.
Age of Conan, has some cool features for a MMo, but I've never really gotten into it.
Killing Floor, good fun Coop. Fun with friends.
Dungeon Siege 2, well, I liked it and I found it pretty clear, dunno.
Mr Mohawk said:
Hehe, I knew I was getting a bargain. Apparently some fella came in with all these games, and asked the guy to sell them.
So are these used games? If so, you'll have some trouble with the MMOs, since the key codes are likely already associated with the other player's accounts, which you don't have the passwords for.
I really liked Age of Conan, but I couldn't get through the early levels because some ****ers kept tearing me apart whenever I resurrected after the last inhumane slaying. The directional blocking is a great idea for an MMO, I thought, so it was too bad I couldn't get the hang of it.

Don't know about the others. Age of Conan was pay to play, but I canceled my subscription after a week due to the aforementioned bastards camping me.
Radalan said:
Mr Mohawk said:
I've already tried STALKER, was killed by the first group I seen *Facepalm*

You probably mean Stalker Call Of Pripyat.
Did you open fire on the two guys right in the beginning?

Shadow Of Chernobyl.

The first group of bandits you come across, I tried to get the other Stalkers to help me, but I couldn't talk to the leader, so I just stabbed them and took their gear :lol:
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