Skjoldbrødre, Settlers faction,Nordic culture, RCC server former raiders

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Settlement name:

We were first raiders, but settled down and decided to create a settlement.
Teamspeak: Coming soon

Interested in joining?, add me or one of the three founding fathers on steam:
Joko380: joko422
Heidra: anakin123
Ser orindel: Orindell

In an forgotton village in scandinavia, three friends decided to take of to caladria, to find their richdoms :twisted:.
Their raids were succesfull and were feared in all of caladria, until king harlaus set up an ambush by a swadian village, the raiders walked right in the trap and sustained heavy casualties.
the three friends fought their way trough the swadian lines, and atlast reached the outskirts of the village, reaching safety
After years of raiding, the friends decided to settle down and create a settlement, the settlement started to grow and more people decided to live here.

Chief: Head of the village
Woodcutter: name says it all
Farmer: name says it all
Town militia( Serf clothes, armed with clubs and small shields): peasents who decided to create a little militia to defend the village from raids.
Craftsman: men whos proffesion it is to create chairs, weapons and all of that kind of thing.
Horse breeder: Men whos task it is to breed horses( if you but a horse, give them some money :razz: for roleplay)

Chief: Agivor_Aguti, i am also a farmer:sad:
Woodcutter: Hervard Arngrimson :grin:
Farmer: Agivor_Aguti  :sad:, jopgnar, Eylaugr Fjolvor
Town militia: Destroyer :grin:, agathon amir.
Crafstmen: Aeskil_Fensith :grin:
Horse breeder: Erik Mjölding :grin:
Butcher: Broun_Gerstalv :grin:
Baker:Gaham :grin:

Weapons and armour!
Town militia: Serf clothes, armed with clubs, short swords spears and small shields.

What is roleplay?, and how do i roleplay?
Roleplaying is taking over an character, lets say a baker.
you could roleplay that you are making bread, i always do it like this and most do too: *Takes dough* *takes water* *soaps dough* *vorms it into a bread* *puts into the oven and waits*
What you do is saying what you are doing, and with the* people understand that you are roleplaying.
You can also roleplaying using your body, sometimes people give those kisses, when you hold your attack with fist and it looks like a kiss, thats also an option.
Roleplay scenario, at the baker:
Traveller: Gday sir, do you have any bread left for a hungry traveller?
Baker: Indeed i do sir, i got some spare bread left
Traveller: Thanks sir, here take this money for ur genourosity, its not much sir, but it is something *Gives 3 coins*
Baker: *takes the 3 coins and puts it into little moneybag*, good day to you sir, and save travels!.
Traveller: You too good man *waves*

This could be a roleplay scenario, but in pwmod we can drop money bags, so you could use that if you are paying :grin:, hope this guide helped a little and cleared up why me and my friend chosen a settlers roleplay, because of the lot of roleplay possoblities.

Appliaction thread :grin:
Ingame name( Get scandinavian kind of name ):
Roleplay expierience?:
U got teamspeak 3?
Headset( not needed just to make clear ):

I want all people who are still interested in joining to appy again!, so i can write down your proffesions ect.., we have to make money for our little village tho, so start with that and deposit in viking raiders bank account :grin:
I would advise anyone looking for a fun, well organised faction/clan/grouping/raiding thing to join this. The guys are cool beans and the idea is, as everyone will admit, pretty bawsh.
Ser Orindell said:
I would advise anyone looking for a fun, well organised faction/clan/grouping/raiding thing to join this. The guys are cool beans and the idea is, as everyone will admit, pretty bawsh.
You got that right  :twisted:!
Ingame name( Get viking kind of name ): Jognar :grin:
Roleplay expierience?: Do i have to really tell this  :lol:
U got teamspeak 3? yeh
Headset( not needed just to make clear ): yeh
This seems very good, but do not forget the archers Skytti, and Hirdmadr and Hovdingr  :cool: Also.. Wich part of the Norse lands are these vikings going to come from? Are they from Dena origins or Norman (Norwegians) or maybe even the Swedes?
Also, you should remember that many vikingr's used seaxs (a small long knife, like a butchering knife) wich would fit for Drengr, and maybe Berserks for sacrifices etc also the Jarl and Hovdings.. And by the way, the reason of the vikings raidings was mostly because their homelands was overpopulated and the farms had already been split up as much as they could be split up.. and without a farm, you was mostly worth nothing at all. So some of the Norsemen (Normans Denas and Swedes) (Norwegians, Danes, and ofcourse Swedes) decide to go on "Vikingr" And what they did was to raid a settlement and settle down there, or raid and decide to go back to your homeland and buy a farm
Herbiazors said:
Also it's good to be Norwegian... Raven out  :cool: *mumbles* Jævla voldtæks klana (Trøndersk :3 Norwegian language :grin:)
Does that mean best clan ever? Also please stop triple posting.
I would like to join your awesome clan  :grin:

Ingame name( Get viking kind of name ): Hervard
Roleplay expierience?: Yes?
U got teamspeak 3? Yes
Headset( not needed just to make clear ): Yes
Herbiazors said:
Also, you should remember that many vikingr's used seaxs (a small long knife, like a butchering knife) wich would fit for Drengr, and maybe Berserks for sacrifices etc also the Jarl and Hovdings.. And by the way, the reason of the vikings raidings was mostly because their homelands was overpopulated and the farms had already been split up as much as they could be split up.. and without a farm, you was mostly worth nothing at all. So some of the Norsemen (Normans Denas and Swedes) (Norwegians, Danes, and ofcourse Swedes) decide to go on "Vikingr" And what they did was to raid a settlement and settle down there, or raid and decide to go back to your homeland and buy a farm
Epic ideas, but my men will not surive long with a khyber knife or so( closest thing to a seax i guess)
Perkele_JOPOTINTTI said:
Ingame name( Get viking kind of name ): Jognar :grin:
Roleplay expierience?: Do i have to really tell this  :lol:
U got teamspeak 3? yeh
Headset( not needed just to make clear ): yeh
Welcome to the viking raiders my friend!
Hervard said:
I would like to join your awesome clan  :grin:

Ingame name( Get viking kind of name ): Hervard
Roleplay expierience?: Yes?
U got teamspeak 3? Yes
Headset( not needed just to make clear ): Yes
Welcome to the vikings hervard!
Herbiazors said:
Also, you should remember that many vikingr's used seaxs (a small long knife, like a butchering knife) wich would fit for Drengr, and maybe Berserks for sacrifices etc also the Jarl and Hovdings.. And by the way, the reason of the vikings raidings was mostly because their homelands was overpopulated and the farms had already been split up as much as they could be split up.. and without a farm, you was mostly worth nothing at all. So some of the Norsemen (Normans Denas and Swedes) (Norwegians, Danes, and ofcourse Swedes) decide to go on "Vikingr" And what they did was to raid a settlement and settle down there, or raid and decide to go back to your homeland and buy a farm
I want this clan to have limited ranks, since im not expecting to have like 30 players :grin:, when i reach 15 players more ranks will be added, Im dutch..., but i guess we are from norway :razz:
Ingame name( Get viking kind of name ): Agnarr
Roleplay expierience?: Yes
U got teamspeak 3? Yes
Headset( not needed just to make clear ):I dont have a mic D:

Nice clan I love strong nordic mens  :wink:
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