SP - General Scale quest "Help village X with brigands" to player's party size

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- It's very underwhelming to take this quest with a full army stack and chase 4-looter parties
- Quest spawns bandit parties very erratically, sometimes taking days to spawn next quest unit. Tend to ignore this quest mostly because of huge waste of time and very random spawns. One time had to spend seven (7) in-game days to pick up 4 small looter packs. Swore to never pick up this quest ever again.

- Scale bandit parties to player's party size at the moment the quest was taken. Leveling units is already a big issue (cannot chase down normal bandit parties. bandit parties don't scale to player party like in MB1)
- The quest has to spawn bandits faster and head them towards the village
I always see village quests as ones to do for early game, not late game, not just this quest. And you can see how many bandits exist in the area before taking on the quest.

As for levelling units, why would you chase down bandits with a whole army? If you want, you can, with good troop choice and horses, or just cav and good perks. However youre supposed to fight better enemies, not mere bandits..

In previous mb games, bandit parties scaled with player level and not party size.
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