[S] Arena Overhaul mod [released for Warband SP]

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Ruthven said:
Picking up weapons wouldn't really be a good idea methinks, because then he'd have to make some changes to actual game codes (easier to just plop .sco files into a folder, that way it's compatible with almost every mod)
My thoughts exactly. You just put the files in native or any mod that doesn't change arenas (and that's a lot)
and you have some nicer looking, more interesting tournaments.

(If anyone has Warband single player and would like to test/criticize these I'll upload them for testing.
- all scenes are practically done but need finishing touches)... )
Is this wooden crate over the water?

Cause if this is wooden crate over the water, then please tell me you fixed them (it was easy to stuck for a moment in the gap between "shore" and crate).

Maybe some arenas intended for cavalry fighting are a little bit too crowded with props, but i'm sure it works perfectly, in game.

Looking forward to play it on WB  :wink:
Nikephoros said:
Maybe some arenas intended for cavalry fighting are a little bit too crowded with props...
That's also my concern. Several arenas have been made bigger and I try not to cram them up with junk.
I especially think the Khergit arenas are a boring piece of empty space where you ride in circles hoping to avoid stray arrows...

The Narra arena is bigger now but has a few buildings in it:

One problem with all the scenes.

While the clutter does make them more interesting to fight in, unless you're on a horse when it becomes a nuisance, the people in the bleachers would never be able to tell what was going on.

Who goes builds an arena where you can't see the fight?
Those look pretty interesting Adorno.  If I had known you liked to do scenes, I would have asked you to make some for the entrenchment kit.  How about making some for wilderness duels, for Ranger Company mod? 
It would be an honor  :smile:

But I'm not good with entry points. I can either redo the current duel scene(s) (are there more than one?),
or you must tell me what entry points to use.

Actually, let's take this up your thread...
Suno is my fave... absolutely!
Like it inside ;D
you should make one where weveryone begins on a high platform... and under u there is lava ;D
See, now I rather like your last two Ichamur and Halmar, you added some nice stuff while not cluttering it.

Over all, I'm really liking all of these, I wonder if you could get a server to host them?
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