Racism as soon as I enter the game

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Banter is joking around with your friends. I don't care about being called an n word, im white, I care when they get geniuenly angry at me for not playing well in one round and kick me out of the game several times and call me an "inmigrant"??? the worst part is that they were probably polish or somewhere in east europe... lmao. Growing balls won't make these players stop acting like children and kicking out their teammates out of the game for no reason, reporting them will do, and I didn't before because I didn't care about it the last time, now I found the screens and remembered to report this. Keep your children slurs to yourself, or write them all you want, I can always mute people, but don't kick me or teamkill me and mess with my experience for no reason
Don't you just do anti-polish racism here? Reported.
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