Question about modelling and texturing

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I've noticed, while using openBRF, that a lot of models in a few mods have separate parts, yet, in the game, they are together. An example is in viking conquest, where the mails are separated from the furs that wrap around it. Or the berserker armor has the bear/wolf fur separated from the groin piece. Not only that, but the textures are in different files, and again, the game puts all together in one object. I don't know if I made myself clear, but I want to know how to make an armor with separate meshes and combine them all so it's just one piece in the game.

If I wasn't clear, please, tell me. I'll try to explain better
I see. Thank you for your answer. Any idea if I can make use of that feature myself with 'Morghs M&B WB-WFAS Editor'? Or with any other tools/methods?
The engine loads up all the assets automatically when they're multimeshed properly. You just need to make sure they're all using the same name, and  that no other meshes are sharing that namespace.
Thank you again! I'll try that out

edit: It worked perfectly. The meshes were separate, but had the same name. They were all in one in the game!
I have a new problem. The textures are all present on the mesh. In openBRF, the mesh appears to be affected by light. When in the game, though, the mesh ignores light completly. It's constantly bright, no matter how dark the ambient is. I have put the specular and normal textures under the material in OpenBRF, but it doesn't seem to be working.
What do you mean simple shaders? I'm using meshes from viking conquest and native expansion. The material to each has been linked to their specular and normal maps. It seems to work fine on the OpenBRF, but it doesn't in the game
NPC99 said:
Look at the material used by your mesh in OpenBRF. The first box above the texture (diffuseA) is the shader your material is linked to. Shaders change how textures are shown in different lighting conditions etc. Using the wrong shader can undermine the whole texture.

It worked! Thank you so much! Everything is done now
Again, thank you for your time

kalarhan said:
if you are unsure what "shader" means:

Thank you for the article. I'm still not sure what a shader is, but I guess that I'll learn as time goes
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