Is there a way to transfer helmets from Skyrim to M&B WB? (I want this helmet)

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There was this badass Vendel period helmet from a dead mod called Forgotten Lore and the description of this image in Moddb said that it was transfered from a skyrim helmet pack to Mount and Blade.

Link to the helmet pack :

This one :


The thing is that I would like to have this helmet for personal uses only but the problem is that there's literally almost no guides as to how to transfer meshes from Skyrim to Warband and I really wonder if those guys from the Forgotten Lore mod just made a mesh from scratch to match the textures. In that case, it would be an impossible task since I don't have any experience in 3D modelling.

Please, help.
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Did you already take a look through the OSP resources? There are quite a lot of helmets there.

The meshes can't be accessed by OpenBrf.

According to one guide i've read, I would need to convert those .nif mesh files into OBJ files by unpacking them with a 3D editing program that is compatible with .nif files (similar to OpenBrf but with GameBryo games) so that OpenBrf can recognize them.

However, whenever I unpack it OpenBrf still doesn't let me open those resource files with the meshes since it divides it into three .OBJ files and that's where I stop trying since I have no idea how to proceed since that guide never went beyond that.
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You missunderstand my post. We have at Warband modding a huge list of OSP resources available. Did you already look through them if there is not a helmet like this inside somewhere?

Yeah, I have looked through every Dark Age OSP packs and i've skimmed through every Dark age mod that is available.

The meshes for this helmet and the ones that accompany it are not in any way in this forum or in any Warband mod (with the exception of Forgotten Lore, but that mod was never released)
@Caliban should be relatively easy if you can edit meshes, because in Warband helmets usually have no skinning, they are just solid objects.
Open your favourite Skyrim mesh editing tool, export helmet as OBJ file, including UV mapping.
Import it into BRF using OpenBrf program.
Don't try opening OBJ with OpenBrf - open an existing BRF with an existing helmet and replace the mesh using Import Mesh function of OpenBrf.
Rotate it and stretch it, so it fits the Warband head shape.
Assign materials and textures in OpenBrf.
Copy textures from Skyrim to your mod folder. If WB has trouble reading the textures, edit them in Gimp and save with DXT1 compression.
Actually, I can do it for you, but:
- only 99% chance that I will succeed
- 10$ per helmet (through PayPal I think), you only pay if I succeed
- they will not look exactly 100% the same, because Warband uses different shaders - so could be less shiny, more shiny, you know
- result can probably be fine-tuned by assigning different shaders to materials, assigning different tinting, but that's beyond the scope of what I'm willing to do

Besides the helmets exported to OBJ files, I also need to know which head shape you're using in Warband, because the helmet has to fit it. Rather than making it bigger/smaller in OpenBrf, I think it's better if I move the vertex positions by hand so it fits the head better.
So if you're using modded heads, you gotta tell me which mod. If you're using vanilla heads, just confirm if it's Warband, or Viking Conquest or whatever, I should have those head meshes already.

@Caliban pm if interested

Also keep in mind that meshes and textures are only part of it - there are also helmet flags that you assign in module system - for example itp_fit_to_head will stretch the helmet to head morph, there are also flags to hide the whole head, just hair, or beard - this should also be taken into consideration. I can give you good mesh and you can successfully ruin it with wrong flags :smile:
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