SP Sci-Fi Fantasy Quail's Warhammer 40k Mod - Aspiring Modder? We could use scene props and scenes

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u guys should make race-specific bounses like the hoarde bonus for imperial guardsmen and orcs and giving upped stats to all space marines
So, I've been having increasingly difficult health issues, these past few years, and well...its quite fatigue inducing. Plus, that my time is now being increasingly used up by real life, due to school, friends, and family.
I just want to say that, I'm ready to pass the torch of leading the mod to someone else. I never actually wanted to lead the mod, it was originally my idea to carry the mod, until raslin came back. It was hard coming to this decision, but it was going to arrive sooner or later.

I will still contribute to the mod, but I would rather someone else lead it now. Plus it would probably be done faster.  :lol:

I like 40k setting, and M&B is currently best game to represent melee combat. That said, i see this mod as doomed. Its intended features strike me as 'too much'. It's better to start with small things - like quick battle. Perhaps some other project will make this setting justice.

How goes including gorgon transport in the game ? It's one of the most interesting features of this mod (if it will be included).
AoC, the goal of this project has always been to keep it simple. Two factions, a basic map that allows actual gameplay, and thats about it. The main reason its going slowly is a lack of content production, which I certainly am guilty of.

Quail, I'm really sorry to hear about your health problems man. I'll take over the main duties of the mod for now, if you want to get the latest files to me. I've been looking to get more involved in the mod lately, so this is as good a reason as any.
Basically though, we are at the point that we could do an Alpha. Without custom scenes, and custom names of lords.

Just need to restart the troop trees though...something messed them up.

Though the problem would be, all the complaints about the Flack Vest, Flack Armor, and Firewarrior.

They need to be rerigged, and the autorigger, just dosn't like those models.
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