Problem with map. Strange Mountain. [HELP PLEASE]

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I made a couple of maps. And its size is three or four times larger than Calradia (WB).
Also I have even increased the size of Calradia.
For a mod I'm doing ...

And I've been having problems with the textures of the mountains.
Here some pictures:










You could help me fix this?

Also, I want to mention that this only happens in DX9 settings
but not so in DX7.

Thank you.

P / D: Excuse my poor English.  :oops:
Hmm... The only fact I am sure for is snow-coverd rocky shoers on Your map, if it is not Your wish so the reason is a big height of map surface. Am I right or not can be cheked in MapEditor - red borders must be as high as at screenshot and low edge just a little under the ocean surface. If red borders are mostly under the surface this is Your mistake, move all vertices down.

No snow. It is a problem with the texture of the mountain.
I will try moving all vertices.

Soon I'll tell you. Thanks for the help.

Hold up! I know the issue! :grin: The game engine sees the map mesh on its axis. The maps actually sit sideways if you put the mesh in a 3D editor. All you have to do is set the map plane on a lower axis at 0 or slightly below zero. It's a limitation of the way the game engine works since we can't manually set when the polar caps show up on mountain textures. Look the map for my mod for instance. I had to move the map plane a little below the axis so the polar caps look aesthetically pleasing. :razz:

What are you working on by the way Leandrojas_?
That was the problem!

I'm making a mod with a huge Calradia and many new towns and castles with new scenes.
And a thing or another.

Again: Thanks!

hey leandrojas, could you make me a map?

Ikaguia said:
so, could you do this?? its just an expanded calradia map.

obs: plz, make the rivers like that
obs2: if you can, make the map bigger than native(double the distance between a city and another).
That would require expanding the borders of the map mesh. If I were you I'd add extra faces on the plane after extending it or adding to it so you can detail more of it. He only scaled his map to make it seem larger. though there is a loss of quality when you do so. 
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