Download v0.96.3 BETA here
Installation Notes
0) Only applicable if you played a prior version of PBOD: If you are updating from a previous version of PBOD and it covers a Warband patch/version change (version 0.90 qualifies), first delete the PreBattle O&D folder within ...\Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\ Your savegame data, etc, will be untouched.
1) If you want PBOD merged with Diplomacy or PBOD for WFaS or the version that doesn't require the Warband Script Enhancer or another old version, see the second post; otherwise, go to step 2.
2) Download the .exe Installer
3) Run the Installer...which should identify your Warband installation from the registry, even if you have Steam.
3a) If using Warband v1.15x, you will also need to install the version 1.15x "compatibility patch"
4) Start Warband with the WSE Launcher by using the desktop shortcut the installer will create. Be sure "PreBattle OD" is the selected module.
A pre-battle feature & tactics mod. Source kit(s) linked at bottom of post.
As of v0.95+, PBOD now requires the Warband Script Enhancer ( v2.8.1 )*, included in the installer, so, for the player, this only means that you need to start Warband with the WSE Launcher, or through the desktop shortcut the installer will create.
'Patch' v0.96.3
'Patch' v0.96.2
'Patch' v0.96.1
NEW Features v0.96
See Readme & in-game preference tips for more information.
*For any worried about compatibility with non-WSE mods, the non-WSE version will continue to receive bugfixes to those core features as necessary (and as possible without WSE): non-WSE installer (with kit)--v0.92
The goal here is to cater to those who want an added level of strategy in the planning of their battle engagements--or, more pointedly, to get beyond the repetitive keystrokes of giving the same orders at the start of each battle, and to allow the player to choose who will join them in battle, rather than the cryptic mix provided by the engine.
Pre-Battle Orders & Deployment adds to the pre-battle menu options that the player is presented with during any field encounter with an enemy party. At the most basic, with 1 point of Tactics skill in the party, there are two additional options: rather than just "Charge the Enemy" one can "Take the Field" and your party begins holding position, or "Lead your Troops" and your party begins following you. Add another point of Tactics skill to the party and another menu item appears: "Plan your battle with the enemy".
When planning your battle with the enemy, a presentation similar to the "heads-up" battle menu appears, allowing you to customize 4 orders to each of your divisions: an Initial Order (charge, hold, follow), two movement orders (Move Forward/Back 10 paces, Stand Closer, Spread Out, Mount and Dismount) and a weapon use order (chosen from the Native weapon use orders Fire At Will, Hold Fire, Any Weapon, Blunt Weapons). Movement orders can be repeated up to 4 times. Across the bottom are options to Reassess--return to the encounter menu; Scrap all--clear all orders; Prepare Orders--preview the order set up on the right panel; and Dispatch Orders--store the orders and return to the encounter menu.
With Tactics at level 2 or higher in the party, the player can choose to "Plan who will join you in battle". To allow for its function, the player must record their battle size in a "PBOD Mod Preferences" menu option which is added to the Camp->Take an Action menu. Here the player must enter the battle size as set it is set in options (since the commands do not allow access to options settings from within code). This simply records the Battle Size, but does not impact the settings of the game. It only needs to be done once (unless the player edits their battle size setting) and then this will be stored in the savegame.
The Plan Deployment presentation lists each troop type that is in the player's party in the order they are listed in the Party Window. For each troop type in the party a number box appears, allowing a selection from 0 to the number of non-wounded troops of that type. The player can set the exact number of each troop that he/she wishes to spawn at the start of the battle. Across the bottom of the deployment screen arey three options: Scrap All--clear all number boxes to 0; to Reassess--return to the encounter menu without setting the deployment; or to Ready Troops--save this deployment and return to the encounter menu. The selected troops will be the only troops to spawn with the player at the start of the battle, but the remainder will be available in reinforcement waves.
Screenshots & Videos
Old Screenshots
[spoiler="Plan Battle with Enemy" Screen]
[spoiler="Plan Deployment" Screen]
Note in the screenshots above that the troops at the top of the Party Window (the mounted and ranged troops) and thus Natively most likely to appear in battle are set to 0 in this test; they do not appear at the start of the battle.
Version 0.8 Beta --
.TXT compatibility with other mods
Within the spoiler are the only files modified. If the mod you want to combine with PBOD doesn't edit these files (more troop/items mods, graphics enhancements, etc) it should be compatible by just including these files from the PreBattle O&D folder with your other mod. For best results, use the source kits below.
To include PBOD in another mod/your own mod:
You will find the Source Code, resources, and instruction readmes included in the installer.
They will be installed to Modules\PreBattle O&D\Source Kit\
Installation Notes
0) Only applicable if you played a prior version of PBOD: If you are updating from a previous version of PBOD and it covers a Warband patch/version change (version 0.90 qualifies), first delete the PreBattle O&D folder within ...\Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\ Your savegame data, etc, will be untouched.
1) If you want PBOD merged with Diplomacy or PBOD for WFaS or the version that doesn't require the Warband Script Enhancer or another old version, see the second post; otherwise, go to step 2.
2) Download the .exe Installer
3) Run the Installer...which should identify your Warband installation from the registry, even if you have Steam.
3a) If using Warband v1.15x, you will also need to install the version 1.15x "compatibility patch"
4) Start Warband with the WSE Launcher by using the desktop shortcut the installer will create. Be sure "PreBattle OD" is the selected module.
A pre-battle feature & tactics mod. Source kit(s) linked at bottom of post.
As of v0.95+, PBOD now requires the Warband Script Enhancer ( v2.8.1 )*, included in the installer, so, for the player, this only means that you need to start Warband with the WSE Launcher, or through the desktop shortcut the installer will create.
'Patch' v0.96.3
- Warband Script Enhancer updated to 2.6.2
- New Orders: Volley by Rank and by Platoon (under F3 Fire orders)
Allows archers/crossbowmen to vary their volleys either by ranks/rows (if in formation: ranks) or by 'platoon'/thirds (firing left, center and right in turn) - New Hot-keys: Call/Whistle for Horse doubles as 'Horse Rear'; Crouch doubles as 'Cheer' after the end of a battle
- Using positioning flag to target divisions, particularly archers, should be more accurate; also holding "Action" (default F) at the start of using the positioning flag with prevent the flag from being used to target enemy divisions (it will only give the place order)
- Bugfix: order menu glitches introduced in patch 2 corrected
- Bugfix: archers out of ammo/dehorsed cavalry will reassign to alternative divisions appropriately if they were in formation before
'Patch' v0.96.2
- New Orders: Add one rank & Remove one rank (under F2 Formation orders)
Allows the Ranks (infantry and archers) and Shieldwall (infantry) formations have variable number of ranks (from 2-5) - Bugfix: pre-battle deployment bugs with companions and casualties corrected
'Patch' v0.96.1
- Warband Script Enhancer updated to 2.6.1
- Native order display now closes correctly after giving one of the new PBOD orders (yey, thanks WSE)
- Some clarifications as to when features are active added to mouse-over tips in mod options
- Fire arrows no longer available as merchandise or to be picked up from the ground after firing
- Archers in formation will form centered around the position, not to its right
- Bugfix: dialog with lords bugfix...bugfixed (fixed get_relevant_comment_for_log_entry script error)
- Bugfix: Battle order panel/new order display conflicts (fixed update_order_flags_on_map and update_order_panel_statistics_and_map script errors)
- Bugfix: divisions in formations who are following no longer ignore an order to hold position
- Bugfix: divisions in formations' order flags don't "snap back" on the minimap if they are ordered to advance/fall back
- Bugfix: using pre-battle orders and pre-battle deployment screens in siege defenses should work appropriately (fixed exiting to map with 'enemy retreated, but siege continues' message)
NEW Features v0.96
- Custom Battles fully functional with PBOD features; Mod Options accessible from the Custom Battle designer screen and a quick tick-box to enable all major PBOD in-battle features
- New Order: Deploy/Recover Pavise shields.
Player can deploy/recover a pavise shield by pressing H (configurable in mod options) - New Order: Crouch.
Player can crouch by pressing Caps Lock (configurable in mod options). - New Order: Ignite Fire Arrows.
Player can ignite arrows by pressing H (configurable, with pavise key, in mod options) - New Orders all integrated into the Order Panel, under F7 Attack Orders and F8 Special Orders
- AI Special Order options broken down by each individual order: new options to enable/disable AI to spear brace, skirmish, volley fire, and deploy pavise/crouch (fire arrows are a player team only test at the moment)
- Bugfixes for timing in the pre-battle positioning/real deployment phase. A configurable time scale has been added in mod options if a player still runs into problems, but they shouldn't.
- New 'info pages'/in-game documentation for Pre-Battle Planning and In-Battle Tactics. See Notes->Game Concepts
- Added optional key-controlled rotation for the free mouse-operated DeathCam and new instruction messages when the DeathCam starts
- A few Native bugfixes are now included--fixing some lords dialogs and a problem with the marshall system
- Bugfixes for formations, particularly spawning on the player's location and some drifting of player division formations.
- Bugfix for new division flags: they are reactivated
- Some code reworking here and there and other minor bugfixes
See Readme & in-game preference tips for more information.
*For any worried about compatibility with non-WSE mods, the non-WSE version will continue to receive bugfixes to those core features as necessary (and as possible without WSE): non-WSE installer (with kit)--v0.92
"Expanded" Features, Version 0.8+
See the Readme for the reorganization of command interface to accommodate all of the new orders, and an explanation of their functions. Formations have also been integrated into the Pre-Battle Order display, so you can set up what formations troops should begin in prior to battle. (Note: cavalry-based divisions can only form "Wedges" and foot archer based divisions can only complete the "Ranks" order.)
NEW Features v0.90
- Orders to specify to each division which Weapon Type to use, whether or not to use shields, and for ranged units, whether to avoid melee or not (skirmish) have been added. In the display where orders are selected, there are now two "pages"--one for forming up, and the second to outline which weapons to use.
- Weapon-use fixes for lancers, horse archers, and spear/pikemen have been included (and can be toggled off individually through the Camp Action Menu if the player so chooses).
- Bodyguards will join your character in towns and villages
Your repute and leadership earn you the loyalty of your hero companions to fill this job. You earn 1 bodyguard for each 400 points of renown and 3 points of the Leadership skill. This defaults ON. - Original M&B-style feature: De-horsed Cavalry are Re-assigned
You can choose to have de-horsed cavalry (any mounted unit, regardless of division) be re-assigned to a division of your choosing upon the death of their mount. This defaults OFF. - Anti-Cavalry & Horse Trample buffs
Pikes and long spears now do much more damage against horses, giving them a significant buff in their intended anti-cavalry role. Similarly, horse bumps/charages are also buffed, depending on the heaviness of the mount involved. Heavy cavalry charges can now be quite devastating. Balancing comments welcome. These buffs are paired and default ON, just like the weapon use fixes below.
- Battle Continuation with two DeathCam modes.
1) a mouse operated free-roving cam
2) a 'follow' mode that can cycle through bots still alive.
This defaults ON. It can be disabled in the Preference screen. - A Custom 'Follow' camera mode for in-battle.
Press "END" to toggle between camera modes. Arrow keys move the cameras. The mouse buttons cycle forward (left) and backward (right) among agents for the follow mod after the player is KO'd. - All camera keys can be adjusted within the PBOD Mod Preferences option in the Camp Action Menu.
- Pre-Battle order availability in offensive sieges
- Order & Deployment option availability in battles within villages
- New Order: Volley Fire
- New Order: Brace Spears
- New Option: Dis/Enable AI to Brace Spears
- New Option: Battle Continuation - Charge All on KO
- New Option: Foot Archers without Ammo Division Reassignment
- New Orders: Formations*
- New Option: Dis/Enable AI use of Formations*
See the Readme for the reorganization of command interface to accommodate all of the new orders, and an explanation of their functions. Formations have also been integrated into the Pre-Battle Order display, so you can set up what formations troops should begin in prior to battle. (Note: cavalry-based divisions can only form "Wedges" and foot archer based divisions can only complete the "Ranks" order.)
NEW Features v0.90
- Animated, properly functioning, spear bracing (animations by Papa Lazarou)
- New ability to split one troop type into TWO divisions!
- New AI options for using special attack orders, battle AI
- Deployment options now allowed in sieges
- Ranged weapon proficiencies lowered in bad weather conditions
- Flags on the backspace-menu minimap for all divisions, preference screen includes option tips, and a few other small cosmetic tweaks
- Updates to formations, AI fixes for the player changing troops' formations, polearm damage tweaks balanced, and other bug fixes
- Shield Bash (hold block, hit attack)
- Pre-Battle Positioning/Real Deployment Phase
Use the "hold down F1 flag" to position divisions in a deployment phase at battle start.
Deployment phase available when the battle starts through the pre-battle orders menu or by choosing to "Take the Field".
As instructed in game, give formations orders (such as formation types or stand closer/spread out) before placing the division with the F1 flag for those orders to be applied when the division is placed. - Pre-Battle movement orders (+/- 10 paces, formations, spread out/stand closer) now 'snap into place' at spawn time. There may be some reshuffling, but this speeds along the starting formation process greatly.
- Pre-Battle orders now available for 'alternative' divisions activated by splitting a troop type into a secondary division
- Recording battle size via mod options is no longer necessary (thanks WSE)**
- Shield bash made key-mappable. "Defend" needs to be held down, too.
- Some bugfixes (Custom Camera and Split Divisions mainly)
- Bugfixes for positioning phase/hold position order
- Removed need to click "OK" twice during the positioning phase before the battle starts
- The party window troop stacks will no longer get shuffled by using the pre-battle deployment feature and all stack XP will
be maintained when using the feature (not just the number that can upgrade) - Pre-battle positioning phase shows much less slow-mo movement
- AI troops in formations also "snap into place" on-spawn and will be setup immediately
- Ranged weapon proficiency penalty for bad weather re-activated
- A number of small coding optimizations/fixes via WSE. Spear bracing and weapon use-fix codes should be much less CPU intensive
The goal here is to cater to those who want an added level of strategy in the planning of their battle engagements--or, more pointedly, to get beyond the repetitive keystrokes of giving the same orders at the start of each battle, and to allow the player to choose who will join them in battle, rather than the cryptic mix provided by the engine.
Pre-Battle Orders & Deployment adds to the pre-battle menu options that the player is presented with during any field encounter with an enemy party. At the most basic, with 1 point of Tactics skill in the party, there are two additional options: rather than just "Charge the Enemy" one can "Take the Field" and your party begins holding position, or "Lead your Troops" and your party begins following you. Add another point of Tactics skill to the party and another menu item appears: "Plan your battle with the enemy".
When planning your battle with the enemy, a presentation similar to the "heads-up" battle menu appears, allowing you to customize 4 orders to each of your divisions: an Initial Order (charge, hold, follow), two movement orders (Move Forward/Back 10 paces, Stand Closer, Spread Out, Mount and Dismount) and a weapon use order (chosen from the Native weapon use orders Fire At Will, Hold Fire, Any Weapon, Blunt Weapons). Movement orders can be repeated up to 4 times. Across the bottom are options to Reassess--return to the encounter menu; Scrap all--clear all orders; Prepare Orders--preview the order set up on the right panel; and Dispatch Orders--store the orders and return to the encounter menu.
With Tactics at level 2 or higher in the party, the player can choose to "Plan who will join you in battle". To allow for its function, the player must record their battle size in a "PBOD Mod Preferences" menu option which is added to the Camp->Take an Action menu. Here the player must enter the battle size as set it is set in options (since the commands do not allow access to options settings from within code). This simply records the Battle Size, but does not impact the settings of the game. It only needs to be done once (unless the player edits their battle size setting) and then this will be stored in the savegame.
The Plan Deployment presentation lists each troop type that is in the player's party in the order they are listed in the Party Window. For each troop type in the party a number box appears, allowing a selection from 0 to the number of non-wounded troops of that type. The player can set the exact number of each troop that he/she wishes to spawn at the start of the battle. Across the bottom of the deployment screen arey three options: Scrap All--clear all number boxes to 0; to Reassess--return to the encounter menu without setting the deployment; or to Ready Troops--save this deployment and return to the encounter menu. The selected troops will be the only troops to spawn with the player at the start of the battle, but the remainder will be available in reinforcement waves.
Screenshots & Videos

Old Screenshots

[spoiler="Plan Battle with Enemy" Screen]

[spoiler="Plan Deployment" Screen]

Note in the screenshots above that the troops at the top of the Party Window (the mounted and ranged troops) and thus Natively most likely to appear in battle are set to 0 in this test; they do not appear at the start of the battle.

Version 0.8 Beta --

.TXT compatibility with other mods
Within the spoiler are the only files modified. If the mod you want to combine with PBOD doesn't edit these files (more troop/items mods, graphics enhancements, etc) it should be compatible by just including these files from the PreBattle O&D folder with your other mod. For best results, use the source kits below.
-Also 2 files in Resources\ & Textures\
-2 Lines added to module.ini
**v0.95+ requires WSE v2.4.8 or later
-Also 2 files in Resources\ & Textures\
-2 Lines added to module.ini
**v0.95+ requires WSE v2.4.8 or later
To include PBOD in another mod/your own mod:
You will find the Source Code, resources, and instruction readmes included in the installer.
They will be installed to Modules\PreBattle O&D\Source Kit\
ModMerger Kit (0.95.7):
Full Module System (v0.90.1):
Full Module System (v0.90.1):
- Custom Battles activated with PBOD features
- New Orders: Deploy/Recover Pavise, Crouch, Fire Arrows (player/team only)
- Pre-Battle Planning and Tactics 'Info Pages' added for in-game documentation
- Key-controlled rotated added to mouse-operated DeathCam
- Bugfixes for pre-battle positioning/real deployment, formations, and some Native bugs
- Pre-Battle Positioning/Real Deployment Phase
- Recording battle size via mod options is no longer necessary (thanks WSE)
- Warband Script Enhancer required for version 0.95 and higher
- Pre-Battle orders 'snap into place' at battle start
- Pre-Battle orders now available for alternative divisions activated by splitting a troop type into 2 divisions
- Shield bash made key-mappable. "Defend" needs to be held down, too.
- Some bugfixes (Custom Camera and Split Divisions mainly)
- Bugfixes for formations (patch 0.90.1)
- Player shield-bash added
- Porting of code to the ModMerger framework
- Optimized the Custom/Death Camera code
- Updated to Warband 1.143
- Added Papa's Spear Bracing Animations, polished the spear bracing code, re-balanced other damage tweaks
- New Option: split troop-type into two divisions
- Added AI for special attack orders, added 'in between' Native w/Formations AI, updated formations code
- Allowed deployment options to be used in sieges
- Weather-based penalties to ranged weapon proficiencies added
- Battle menu flags added, preference screen now has mouse-over tips, AI fixes to maintain proper divisions, other small bug fixes and adjustments
- New Orders: Volley Fire, Brace Spears, Formations
- New AI Options: Dis/Enable AI to Brace Spears, Dis/Enable AI use of Formations
- New Options: Battle Continuation - Charge All on KO, Foot Archers without Ammo Division Reassignment
- New Pre-Battle selections for Formation orders
- Balancing/tweaking to the horse trample and pike buffs
- Bugfix for Battle Continuation (earlier hotfix included in installer)
- Bugfix for String issues in changing Custom/Death camera key assignments
- Bugfix for Quick String errors when pressing 'Tab' in battle
- Battle Continuation, DeathCams, Custom Camera added
- Order & Deployment options extended to village battles
- Order options for offensive sieges
- Additional orders (weapon type, shield, skirmish) now available in every type of battle
- Bugfix for Deployment resulting in miscounted troops
- Bugfix for Deployment resulting in lost companions
- Bugfix for Bodyguards...they now always look correct
- Bugfix for script errors/crashes when horses were killed
- Balancing for Anti-Cav and Horse Trample Buffs
- Bugfix for Deployment screen truncating troop list
- Frames around the additional orders now match Native orders
- Bodyguards in towns/villages
- De-horsed rider re-assignment
- Anti-Cav and Horse Trample Buffs
- Updated to Warband 1.134
- Weapon Type, Shield Use and Skirmish orders added
- In-battle order-selection for the above orders akin to Native
- Weapon Use Fixes added for Lancers/Horse Archers/Spearmen
- New PBOD Mod Preferences menu option
- Bugfix for 'undead' troops becoming available during multi-round battles
- Bugfix for correct number of troops available to be deployed, based on currently non-wounded party members
- Initial release
cmpxchg8b for the Warband Script Enhancer
Janus, for the excellent Installer script
sphere for the ModMerger framework
motomataru for his formations: battlefield tactics kit
Papa Lazarou for his spear bracing & shield bash animations
dunde for the Custom Camera code, his key config presentation, and Crouching code
MadVader for the [url=,134460.0.html]mouse-operated DeathCam
El Guanche for his Fire Arrow models and concepts
The Mercenary for the Spear-wall/Bracing Kit, used as a starting point
Carthread for the Deployable pavise concepts, used as a starting point
xenoargh, for his Fancy Damage Systems (OSP) thread, and shield bash code
rubik for his at-compile-time code that stores information about items into slots (originally from his autoloot)
StinkyMcGirk, for guinea-pig testing my orders and weapon-fix codes...repeatedly
BrustwarzenLenny, for assistance in locating the order frame texture and .brf
Janus, for the excellent Installer script
sphere for the ModMerger framework
motomataru for his formations: battlefield tactics kit
Papa Lazarou for his spear bracing & shield bash animations
dunde for the Custom Camera code, his key config presentation, and Crouching code
MadVader for the [url=,134460.0.html]mouse-operated DeathCam
El Guanche for his Fire Arrow models and concepts
The Mercenary for the Spear-wall/Bracing Kit, used as a starting point
Carthread for the Deployable pavise concepts, used as a starting point
xenoargh, for his Fancy Damage Systems (OSP) thread, and shield bash code
rubik for his at-compile-time code that stores information about items into slots (originally from his autoloot)
StinkyMcGirk, for guinea-pig testing my orders and weapon-fix codes...repeatedly
BrustwarzenLenny, for assistance in locating the order frame texture and .brf