SP - General Please let us donate food directly to army leaders.

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Grandmaster Knight
I don't know what conditions cause the "Army need supplies" quest to pop but it doesn't pop often enough or during times when an army absolutely does need the food. That's pretty annoying because sometimes you can't be with the army that is starving to donate food from your own stocks. Right now, you can give livestock but not food for some reason.

Whether through the barter menu or being able to trigger the quest via a conversation or some other method. Just allow me to give an army I'm not a part of some food.
I agree with this.

I feel alot of this "basic" stuff is put too high into trade.

But even if your not part of a faction, why arent you allowed to just sell'em food for a profit in the middle of a siege etc.(when you pass by them)
Just makes no sense to me that you cant.
Do they even buy ANY supplies when passing through villages/cities, or is it only through looting (which would be ridiculous)?

I don't believe that the consumable goods show up in barter screens with lords (only seen livestock, horses, and oil).

I also don't recall if the player is able to trade food supplies with other parties...
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