Please Help: 2 New companions and now dialog out of whack.

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I've added two new companions called, "tpr_npc20" and "tpr_npc21", because for some reason the compiler didn't like me using tpr_npc17, or tpr_npc18.

Anyhow, the point of these two is for everyone else to hate them so I've redone most of the intercompaion dialog to reflect this and these two new Companions now have all thier dialog entries completed, such as:

("npc20_intro", "Ummm, everyone here is mean to me, but you look kind."),
("npc21_intro", "Step back, step back, no autographs today."),   


  ("npc20_signup", "Well, I'm a real 'people person' and wi' a bright smile can make everyone happy and smile."),
  ("npc21_signup", "Did I mention that I'm also quite important and something of a master of political arts?"),

The problem is that now none of the dialog is in step after the first statement, and so I end up with conversations from different Companions being said instead of the correct ones.

After counting the  jumps, its clear that that it is jumping 16 lines, which is the original number of Companions to get each response, rather than addressing each hero's specifically named string for that conversation part of the conversation. Does anyone know what is happening here, and how I can overcome it?

Is there a script that governs the dialog that I need to be aware of?

I've spent a lot of time on the dialog and would hate to not be able to use it.

Thanks in advance!

I've solved the problem, so I'll put in the answer.

In the scripts, after the NPC information there is another script which reads as follows:

        (store_sub, "$number_of_npc_slots", slot_troop_strings_end, slot_troop_intro),

        (try_for_range, ":npc", companions_begin, companions_end),

            (try_for_range, ":slot_addition", 0, "$number_of_npc_slots"),
                (store_add, ":slot", ":slot_addition", slot_troop_intro),

                (store_mul, ":string_addition", ":slot_addition", 18),
                (store_add, ":string", "str_npc1_intro", ":string_addition"),
                (val_add, ":string", ":npc"),
                (val_sub, ":string", companions_begin),

                (troop_set_slot, ":npc", ":slot", ":string"),

The number highlighted in red, in this case "18", is the number of NPCs and setting this to the number of NPCs that you've got will ensure that the dialog options stay as they should.
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