PF_Official_HCRP [Closed]

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We are with a team of veteran roleplayers who enjoy playing Persistent Frontier, though do not enjoy the light-roleplay of the NA_Official Servers. So we decided to ask for a server dedicated to the roleplayers in the PF community. Our goal is not to compete with the other servers for most players, but to provide a place for like-minded individuals to enjoy a nice roleplay environment. If this sounds like a place you would like to be a part of, feel free to apply either on the PFMOD forums, or as a reply to this topic, using the format.

We are currently running on the New Spain Map, but are always interested in finding new maps.

Server Information:
Servername: NA_Official_HCRP
Our Servers are currently hosted in: Philadelphia, PA
Passworded: Yes

Whitelist Roster:
Patrick_OKeefe, Mikhail_Kolichev, Francois_Boucher, Goldenrebel, Simon_Blackwood, Grant_Burgor, Zenthar, Jorsonner, Viridovix, Beric, James_Craig, Aureliano_Esteban, Lady_Semiramis, Drostan_MacKenzie, Yehoshua_Eesh, Neral, Arn, chAOS, Morrises, Owlman, Arthur Hemingford, Jorvasker, Simmi_Sumo, Enrico_Genitori, Napoleon_Fälisches, Hauptfeldwebel_Brandon, Oberst_Vincent, Sweboz, Timas_Sanwald, Krafty_MacTavish, Toland_MacTavish, Ollie_Ryan, Daniel_Hoffstater, Fussy_Badge, Blindness, Garber, Waggie, Milem, Hans, Wolfgang_Friedrich, Biǫrn_Trygstad, Martin_Hope, Fleetfoot, Caselius, Pineapple, Gandalf, Jack_Clave, Ratonhnhaké:ton, MacLoLWhut, Annawon_Makya, Åbjörn_Bernsten, Opechancanough, Ostenaco, TheDoctor, Willis_Jones, Bighiaboy, Thomas_Cardew, Benjamin_Pini, Kayez_Hattfeild.



Littlefield - Head Admin

Lions - Senior Admin

MadFast - Senior Admin

Locke - Full Admin

Baker - Full Admin

Garrett - Training Admin

Talon - Training Admin


1. All situations must be properly roleplayed.
    -All players must abide by reasonable roleplay, including robberies and assassinations.
2. Do NOT attack people without a valid roleplay reason.
3. New Life Rule, if you die, the events of your past life may NOT influence your current life. A "knockout" or "amnesia" effect may also be roleplayed, if both the person who died, and the person who killed him/her agree upon it.
4. Immigrants are safe inside of shops in the colonist town, and may not be attacked. It is acceptable however, to attack a player running away from you inside of a shop.
5. No insulting or discrimination in OOC chat, racism and discrimination are only acceptable within certain context in RP.
6. Do not Metagame
    - Using out of character information (ie global chat, Name Labels, Faction Names, etc.) to influence in character action. Ex. Calling someone by their name when you have not yet been introduced.
7. Powergaming is unacceptable.
    - Making your character have unworldly abilities, such as magic or other powers. This also applies to excessive worldly powers ie; "Stabs you in the head and kills you"

8. Do not glitch/exploit.
  -This includes using the teleport system to go to an enemy's castle or town. If you are caught doing this, you will be automatically banned.

1. Names but be relevant to your RP character. A native named James Longbottom does not seem very realistic. Admins may have the final say on what is relevant.
2. No regiment tags or clan tags unless you are in a Persistent Faction that has been registered on the Tale Worlds forum.
3. Please use realistic names, not LeGiT_kILlaZ.
4.Please remember to play under your registered character. If you wish to add another name, let us know.
-If your name does not comply to these standards you will be asked to change it.

Faction Rules:
1. Anyone, including immigrants, may tax or rob anywhere, but will be responsible for the consequences they bring upon themselves.
2. Any faction may be hired as a mercenary to the other.
3. Clan Tags are not permitted for players, unless they are registered with the server as a Persistent Faction.
4. Factions may not be locked for the purpose of keeping people out, though Factions may set criteria such as a certain character background, certain Birth nation, etc. for entrance into the faction.

Wars Must be:
1. Declared with valid, in character reason to take place.
2. Declared before any faction begins making hostile acts.
3. A Messenger must be sent to the faction who you wish to go to war with. The messenger must include the reason for the war in his message.
-When the messenger returns to his own faction, the faction may set the status to Hostile. The defending faction, or the one who had war declared upon it, may not set it's status to hostile.
    -This rule does not apply to Native factions. As per roleplay, they are unpredictable and should be given that advantage.
5. A war is lost when a faction has all it's members killed at least once, or all land is lost.Members of the faction that have been killed may not re-enter the battle they were killed in. If you are attacked, you may fight back. All members of the faction are kill-able during the war, this includes unarmed laborers.
-When in a battle you may not go back to your body to loot.


Our current map is: New Spain.

Upcoming maps: Great Plains

We are always looking for potential maps to impliment into our server, so feel free to send us any suggestions you may have via Private Message.




Like what you see and feel like this would be a suitable environment for you? Feel free to apply, the process is fast, and simple. All you need to do is fill out the following application and post it as a reply to this thread

In-Game Name(s):

Steam Name:

In-Game Name(s):

How long have you been roleplaying:

What can you offer to the Hardcore Roleplaying community:

Character Bio: (This may include a story of your character or a simple short description)

Sample of your roleplay:

Do you have a history of rule-breaking on the regular servers:

Can any fellow roleplayers vouch for your skills:

Have you read and understand our Rules?

If you have any questions on how the joining process works, feel free to reply to the thread or PM either myself or any of the other admins.

Note: Do NOT apply in both the PFMOD forums, and on these forums, if you were accepted in one of the 2 forums, that is enough to be added to the whitelist. Please do not waste the admins' time by making them review your application on 2 different forums.​
At the moment, so long as the quality of roleplay is good we will accept you. However if the names start becoming an issue, as in they start hurting the quality of RP on the server, we will enforce realistic names. But I'd like to leave people's creative options open.
In-Game Name(s): Enrico_Genitori

How long have you been roleplaying: Four years.

What can you offer to the Hardcore Roleplaying community: A dedicated, fun, and creative role playing experience. I've been wondering for a while when the M&B community would produce a -real- RP server, and you guys answered my prayers. I'm no special, god-sent applicant, but I do think I'd be a great addition to the server.

Character Bio:

Enrico was born in Palermo, Sicily, to a poverty-stricken family who got by through harvesting what little crops they had; such as olives, figs, and wheat. He had a somewhat pleasant childhood, playing games in his family's vineyard and old villa-styled home. He can still remember the mossy stone-arches as he ran through, chasing his younger siblings as they merrily played together in their youth. Despite his childhood, Enrico's later life would show to fall into despair. The Genitori family had suffered through a number of several illnesses, Enrico's father dieing of cancer and his mother of a fever when he was but a young man. Enrico moved out to the new world after being left with nothing in Italy, his family was all gone and he held no fortune there. His family's farm became soiled and useless as it became untended and filled with vines and weeds. Given the chance, young Enrico sought for the opportunity of the new world. He moved with his three brothers and sisters to the thirteen colonies in hopes of starting a new life, ending up working as a shoemaker's apprentice before splitting up to leave his profession and seek out a new life's calling. He severed ties with his siblings after a skew of financial and family problems, leaving his new home to journey out and carve his own destiny out of the frontier.

Sample of your roleplay:

Enrico: Buongiorno, Signor Fedelli.
Fedelli: Ah, come stai, Enrico? Have you caught me anythin' good today?
Enrico: *Enrico raises his hand to reveal his catch; a string tied around several squirrels, softly rotating in the air, dead* I believe so, signor.
Fedelli: *The man exclaims in a gleeful shout of joy, raising his hands high and clapping, his face beaming as his wide smile stretches his sagged and aged face* You delivered, yes, you delivered! Come, Enrico, come! Vieni qua, qui. *The man hops over the counter, beckoning Enrico to him*
Enrico: *Enrico drops his catch on the wooden counter, leaning over as he turns to look at Mr. Fedelli's many shelves boasting exotic trinkets and books* You sure 'ave a lot o' junk, Signor. *Enrico looks down to Mr. Fedelli, smiling as he was preoccupied with his examination of the squirrels, not hearing Enrico's petty talk*
Fedelli: What was that? Oh, yes, I do have many "things" in my shop. -- Say, shall it be four or three coins a piece? *The man looks up at Enrico, his mouth half open as he stares, fxing his glasses and looking Enrico over*
Enrico: Eh, I feel generous today. *Enrico chuckles, abruptly turning to the shop's window before looking back at Mr. Fedelli*
Fedelli: Aha, good man! *He swipes the squirrels over the counter and drops them behind him. Kicking them to the side, he'd reach into his pockets and take out a handful of coins, throwing them onto the table wihout counting* That should be enough, yes. *He turns his back to Enrico, picking up the squirrels and placing them on a shelf*
Enrico: *Enrico scrambles to catch the flying coins, a few landing next to his feet. Laughing, he'd nod at Mr. Fedelli before waving goodbye and leaving his store* Arrivederci, Signor Fedelli!

Do you have a history of rule-breaking on the regular servers: Yes and no. I've been banned twice (Temporary) on accounts of randoming a player I robbed as an outlaw.

Can any fellow roleplayers vouch for your skills: Not in Warband, I'm afraid.

Have you read and understand our Rules?: Aye
In-Game Name(s): Simmi_Sumo

How long have you been roleplaying: Probably since I found PW, the classic PW.

What can you offer to the Hardcore Roleplaying community: Roleplay I guess ? I usually like to be a common soldier or a protective native.

Character Bio: (This may include a story of your character or a simple short description) Well, I use different characters depending on my mood, usually not too complicated, like I said before a soldier, aggressive or protective native. I always feel like having a new character when I login.

Sample of your roleplay: Guarding colonial town, trying to keep the peace. Protecting my lands as a native (not randomly attacking European powers). I did a firing squad execution on the NA server couple days ago, we actually captured a randomer and caged him, then lined him up for a firing squad.

Do you have a history of rule-breaking on the regular servers: I don't think so.

Can any fellow roleplayers vouch for your skills: Probably not, I did play somewhat on HCRP on PW but I lost interest, PF has rekindled that interest. And one admin witnessed the firing squad event.

Have you read and understand our Rules? Yes and Yes.
corsar95 said:
What about a Mumble server??? It is used by most Roleplay games. It allows to make a distance of your voice in-game.

A plug-in would have to be written for Mount and Blade in order to do something for it. We do have a team speak though.
In-Game Name(s):

How long have you been roleplaying:
Five years in different games now

What can you offer to the Hardcore Roleplaying community:
Long time experience, a serious character concept, no play to win, a character that continually develops

Character Bio: (This may include a story of your character or a simple short description)
Born in the Prussian Nation Timas originally was a Hunter, as his father before him, and so he learned how to shoot bows and muskets quite quickly and efficiently to hunt smaller and bigger game, set up traps, and wander arround in difficult environment. As he turned to full age he joined the Prussian Jäger Korps as a Rifleman and used his skills within the army, as the pay, compared to being a regular hunter, living off the environment and selling any leftovers that he wouldn't need himself, was definately higher. After a 8 year lond service within the prussian army he fell out of service, holding the rank of a Korporal(Corporal) when he left, however, he did not intend to leave his rifle at home and search a new job or proffesion, but actually became the leader of a group of other ex-military Jaeger, general Hunters or simply people skilled in Marksmanship. They would go arround the lands and lend their service to different nations, groups and landholders to hunt down criminals, fight alongside armys or simply guard towns from attacks of wolves. When he heard about News Spain he quickly decided that this was a place where he could gain even more money, and as such it didn't take him very long to make his decision to travel there.

Sample of your roleplay:
[me=ShadowZane]stands on the edge of the cliff he is on, looking over the territory infront of him, attempting to spot any foreigners. The rifle slung infront of him is loaded, but not yet ready to shoot, he sighs slightly, drinking out of his water bottle as he continues to watch the woods and plain fields beneath the cliff.[/me]

Do you have a history of rule-breaking on the regular servers:

Can any fellow roleplayers vouch for your skills:
Not that I knew any, I know a lot, bot none of them play M&B; if you want however, I can provided steam names of people that I regulary played with for over 3 years.

Have you read and understand our Rules?
In-Game Name(s):grin:anny_Hofstater

How long have you been roleplaying:razz:W_beta2

What can you offer to the Hardcore Roleplaying community:Good quality Roleplay with reasons for war and/or killing that person.

Character Bio: Danny is a semi wealthy hunter who hunts for the people of his community. He was born in 1678 and learned all his skills from his father. He came over for wealth and adventure.His family were murdered by natives while he was hunting.He now seeks revenge where ever his destiny takes him.

Sample of your roleplay: Danny:You and your tribe are savages!
Native:You white man..have lot of fire in heart.
Native: You kill our food for yourselves everyday,and yet you call us savages!
Danny:I kill for my family and friends I use every part of the animal I kill.Now I can't because they are all dead!
Native:Yes. White man..we won't kill you now to much blood has spilled..other white man come if you all dead. You may come for revenge but you will not find it.*knocks Danny out*
Danny:*slumps on the ground with a gasp*

Do you have a history of rule-breaking on the regular servers:No I don't.

Can any fellow roleplayers vouch for your skills: Darthtaco

Have you read and understand our Rules? Yes
In-Game Name(s):
Ollie Ryan (rp)/Raging Womble
How long have you been roleplaying:
Since early early PW, 2 years ago?
What can you offer to the Hardcore Roleplaying community:
I can offer a violent roleplaying character who has a reputation of not taking any insults , and being generally evil.

Character Bio: (This may include a story of your character or a simple short description)
Ollie Ryan came to the Colonies on a boat from Ireland. He worked on the docks in Cork and saw a way out of the land. When he arrived in the land of opportuinity, he found things were quite different. He soon turned to a life of crime. He wonders around, committing sadistic acts of violence on homesteads.
Sample of your roleplay:
"GET ON YOUR KNEES AND BEG FOR MY MERCY!" "I WANT EVERTYHIG YOU OWN. YOUR CLOTHES, YOUR MONEY, YOUR WEAPONS" *Player drops items*. "THIS ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH. " "you are now my slave. Do you accept? "  Player says "no" *Shoots them in head*
Player says "yes". Follow me to my lair.

Do you have a history of rule-breaking on the regular servers:
Yes. Being honest here.
I used to be known as a bit o a rule breaker on early PW. But I rarely break rules now. And when I was accused of breaking rules the other week, I was unbanned as soon as Aldric saw it.
Can any fellow roleplayers vouch for your skills:
Lets see
Have you read and understand our Rules?
Yes I think so.
Raging Womble said:
In-Game Name(s): Ollie Ryan (rp)/Raging Womble

Bigd666 said:
In-Game Name(s):grin:anny_Hofstater

Both of you are accepted, thank you for your applications.

The password will be distributed to all accepted applicants as soon as the server is up and running. When the server was ordered it was requested it is not put up until Beta3 was released, we all hope that is very soon, thank you for your patience. With that being said, applications are still being accepted.
in-game name venezia:

Born in sicily, moved to spain in his youth. He joined the spanish armada where one day he would rise to through the ranks. Killing was nothing but a coin in his pocket but his loyalty to a foreign country as if he was of Spanish birth. Now captain of his crew his fleet now sets to embark on the new colony in the new world.

prior offences: none 

steam name: intermilanfc17
inter17 said:
in-game name venezia:

Born in sicily, moved to spain in his youth. He joined the spanish armada where one day he would rise to through the ranks. Killing was nothing but a coin in his pocket but his loyalty to a foreign country as if he was of Spanish birth. Now captain of his crew his fleet now sets to embark on the new colony in the new world.

prior offences: none

Hey, Although I know you are not a trouble-maker, please use the form provided on the first post and fill it out to the fullest extent that you can.
In-Game Name(s): Caselius

Steam ID:

How long have you been roleplaying: Persistent Frontier since Beta 2, Roleplaying since Late 2010 on the first (and only) official ArmA 2 Chernarus Life server.

What can you offer to the Hardcore Roleplaying community: Very good roleplaying, fun guy, rule abiding persion, good jokes & Maturity

Character Bio: (This may include a story of your character or a simple short description)
A Finnish immigrant leaving from Swedish Empire for better life in the colonies, instead of the paradise he hoped - Caselius found himself in the New Spain where laws he was used to don't apply. Instead people take it to their own hands. He is struggling to find his place in the community.

Sample of your roleplay:
I was the messager of the commander of the highlanders on NA-server, when our king wanted to ally with Colonists. I took my horse and personally asked the governor (Gildo). Then I set up the ceremonies and guarded him during the meeting.
Later i was member of the war-party, last survivor. I made it to Colonial fort shouting "I am last survivor of the war party! Those savages killed them!"
(I was official SWAT-Team Sergeant in ArmA 2, later the Undersheriff of the Sheriff's Department)

Do you have a history of rule-breaking on the regular servers: No

Can any fellow roleplayers vouch for your skills: Not in M&B Community. Lots of persons in ArmA 2 community. (I can give out the names if needed.)

Have you read and understand our Rules? Yes
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