In Progress OC TDM is down again

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Summary: the OC TDM server is gone. You and your team decided to remove all our other servers permanently (Duel and Siege) because we 'Didnt play on it enough'. This is why we were not able to play on these servers, because they have issues like this, constantly crashing and then not coming back.

Please don't take away our last official server because we cant play on it because your servers are unstable.
Hey, i have been informed that the server are not closed. They might be unavaliable due to maintenance and due to the small numbers of the OC servers it may take time before coming back online. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey, i have been informed that the server are not closed. They might be unavaliable due to maintenance and due to the small numbers of the OC servers it may take time before coming back online. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.

In regards to the OC Siege, and OC Duel servers, You said:
"Hey, our team has decided to shut down the servers due to low demand. Sorry for the inconvenience."

You said this on the below:
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