My theory on a balance between Rping/sandboxing. Opening a fresh discussion.

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I have made the mistake in the past of thinking that more in-game control/structure and more rules creates a better game. This has been disproved. Many of us would rather suffer the occasional RDM, then have our immersion broken by somebody calling an admin every 5 minutes, ruining the role-playing and generally giving us all a headache. I myself have often allowed a slight rule-infraction against myself to be ignored for the sake of the flow of the game-continuing. My point is that often less=more, whether we are discussing in-game functionality or server rules.

However, I think that there is one in-game change that can be made which can greatly improve the fun of the game without breaking the sandbox/RPing nature of the game. Before beginning, I should say that I realize my idea has already been suggested before, and my own thoughts on the specifics aren't complete. The purpose of opening this thread is to open a fresh, yet focused discussion on this idea I've re-introduced.

I have thought long and hard on this, and I believe that the ability to have a 2nd in-game leadership position within a faction would be a great addition to the game. 

I realize I'm going to get the response of: "It's the lord's job to make sub-captains and other such leadership positions, and it breaks RPing when you introduce in-game faction "ranks" like this". That is true, to a extent. However, taken to it's extreme one might also make a similar argument about the in-game position of Lord itself.

I think once a server gets over 80 or 90 people things become so chaotic that having a in-game "right-hand-man" with a similar list of powers as the Lord is a necessity.

Now this where a lot of you will start to have differing opinions from me, and where I entirely welcome opposing/different ideas. This is only my personal suggestion.

-The right hand man of the lord would be called a 'Steward'. Just like the Lord, he would have a chair/desk inside a castle that can he can go to which would allow him to become the "class" of steward. The steward is by no mean's meant to be a combat class. He should be a jack of all trades that is meant to act as a 'manager-like' role. He can change taxes in the faction, assign keys, and a series of other duties which could be accessed from a screen similar to the Lord's "faction administration" menu under the main menu.

In addition, he would also have a very vital role which would have a great impact on the economy in the game. He would control which faction classes are accessible. If the faction is low on doctors for example, he could lock all classes except for doctor, or set a specific limitation on the non-doctor classes.

This is a very rough idea of mine. A lot of people might prefer a "captain of the guard" or a "general" instead of a steward class and I think these are all viable options. A steward class would be quite complicated to implement in the game due to the all the economical factors.

I think the important detail is that we limit ourselves to only one other in-game rank/position, next to Lord, or we risk removing a lot of the game's charm/role-playing flexibility.

The advantage of my steward idea is I'm introducing new features into the game that add flavor/variety without simply adding a new rank. The ability to have more control over a factions economy/class distribution can add greatly to the game.

EDIT: thinking through my idea I have already seen some cracks in the surface. The ability to limit class distribution can make it too difficult to take over a faction by limiting membership. But that is what discussions are for, thinking through ideas vs tossing them out in their initial forms entirely.
synario said:
I have thought long and hard on this,

Stopped reading there.  :grin:
The purpose of opening this thread is to open a fresh, yet focused discussion on this idea I've re-introduced.

Its PW forum, no way, just no way dude..
I was thinking the exact same thing.

Add the " 2nd in command"

Add another level of keys- These could be for certain training rooms, or rooms which you don't want everyone accessing .
Not at all. I need to give keys to all my men so they can close the keep if the enemy comes. Yet I am forced to give keys also to the chest room.
One question: how does this balance RPing with sandboxing, exactly, as the title seems to say?
TRUSTING people? This is not my little Pony Farm we play here :razz:
on a serious sidenote, I personally think a 2-level access system for keys would be useful for factions, given the scene's design supports it.
If the armory is in the yard, training right next to it, and the chest in the main keep room on the way to the roof, it's pointless.
Keep in mind that to run a faction on a public server, you can't only let people you know (and can trust, or at least predict behaviour under certain circumstances) in, since you need additional manpower all the time.
And as was mentioned before, you cannot not give a guard the key, since he can't do his job otherwise- opening and closing the gate for travellers.The same key sadly gives that low ranked levy access to all private structures inside his faction's base.
Knüppel said:
TRUSTING people? This is not my little Pony Farm we play here :razz:
on a serious sidenote, I personally think a 2-level access system for keys would be useful for factions, given the scene's design supports it.
If the armory is in the yard, training right next to it, and the chest in the main keep room on the way to the roof, it's pointless.
Keep in mind that to run a faction on a public server, you can't only let people you know (and can trust, or at least predict behaviour under certain circumstances) in, since you need additional manpower all the time.
And as was mentioned before, you cannot not give a guard the key, since he can't do his job otherwise- opening and closing the gate for travellers.The same key sadly gives that low ranked levy access to all private structures inside his faction's base.

Jobs in PW  :lol:
Divayith said:
Jobs in PW  :lol:
Yeah I know, banking basically disabled the idea of people having a certain task in their e-life according to their current class.
I just wonder why the removal of the strategic aspect of the game also made the roleplay aspect vanish, now that people can freely choose their roles from endless money pots and keep their gear when going to bed.
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