My son's SP doesn't appear to be rising ? bug or nah ?

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My son's SP doesn't appear to be rising ? i have him in my army as the Scout, i would assume his scouting would go up as I move around ?? His level 6 is what I allocated to him.

Bug or me being tarded ?


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My son's SP doesn't appear to be rising ? i have him in my army as the Scout, i would assume his scouting would go up as I move around ?? His level 6 is what I allocated to him.

Bug or me being tarded ?


To answer the scouting question, scouting raises most when you spot tracks, but you can barely see any tracks when the scouting skill is low, you can also get skill from finding a hideout. Once scouting gets to 50+ it's becomes easier to see tracks and will pick up in pace. One lame trick is to save game, take a hideout related quest that shows a hideout on the map, then re-load and find it yourself to proc scout skill ups. Also, moving near big parties/armies seems to be good as I think you can spot thier tracks easier at lower skill.

That's a bug.

My nieces and nephews all POWER-LEVELED so hard it was almost unreal.
Is this on 1.6.3? That's some healthy well rounded stats! Looks like they will even be able to max 1 attribute with all that too!
Do you think they just copy pasted the system that generates the Lords, or do you think they are actually responding to complaints that kids were too weak?
One lame trick is to save game, take a hideout related quest that shows a hideout on the map
No offense, but I don't think this is lame :
When I see the quest (Bandit base or Associate), I just don't take it, and go back exploring the area to find the hideout. I wouldn't say this is lame.
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