Mount&Blade: Middle Earth Return

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OK this is a modd I will start on once I get V1.00, it is about LOTR and to be more specific a RPG a friend of mine is hosting here .
Ok so here is the main plot, The Fourth Age of middle earth and you are one of the less important lords where protects small villages from small bandits to larger bandits and once when you hit lvl 5 you will get the castle close to them and you get attacked by the closest enemy faction.
Here are the faction I plan on: Reunited kingdom=Gondor,Ithilien and Arnor.Rohan,Mirkwood,Lorien,Shire,Eryn Laslangen,Lindon,Dwarven Holds=Dale,Moria,Erebor and Iron Hills
Lost Kingdoms=Angmar,Mount Gundabad,Gray Mountains,Forodwaith,Dunland and Eregion. Haradwaith,Ruhun,Mordor,Nurn,Khand.
That was allot of Factions :smile: .
And the map needs to be enlargend + I need sme one to help me make the weapons and most things exept the plot and some other things but I bet all I can do is to make the ideas, soo please help me  :mrgreen:
And here is our official mod board to keep it organized.
Unless you can do a significant amount of work yourself, you're going to have trouble getting a team to help you.
Yea but mlost things I can axtuly learn to do myself, but please sign upp if you can help with something.
Rydmer said:
Yea but mlost things I can axtuly learn to do myself, but please sign upp if you can help with something.


I could help. But I have neither the time nor the inclination. Maybe if my school load lightens up.
Oh sorry, my mom was getting mad at me soo I did need to finish up and turn off the computer.
Yea I have school to so no worries I want to get my hands on the full version so I can check after bugs myself and explore all of the world myself while it is being changed.
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