Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord - Devs Must Read - Please read...

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Except I see no reason why Europeans should get preferential treatment for alpha/beta access. Plenty of North Americans made significant contributions during the M&B and Warband betas.
Master_Lionhard said:
MitchyMatt said:
They get a golf clap for letting their game sit there and run for that long. They obviously should have more achievements...duh.
You forgot that he plays NW - NW doesn't have SP so he can't get those achievements.

Regardless of the achievements, I sincerely doubt he played for an accumulation of almost a year and half.
I'm curious, how did they choose beta-testers for Warband? Back then I only really played M&B native single-player so I didn't become aware of Warband until it's retail release.
kraggrim said:
I'm curious, how did they choose beta-testers for Warband? Back then I only really played M&B native single-player so I didn't become aware of Warband until it's retail release.
You applied with your M&B serial key and forum name (if I recall correctly). Then they would randomly pick selections of players. For as far as I know, and I know little :razz:, there were no special conditions.
Devs will contact the right people and the community with information about alpha/beta opportunities as they have done in the past.

M&B is a series with a very strong fan base with many people who "deserve" to be testers. All we can do is wait patiently and continue to support the game.
Jezze said:
You applied with your M&B serial key and forum name (if I recall correctly). Then they would randomly pick selections of players. For as far as I know, and I know little :razz:, there were no special conditions.

Thanks, glad to hear I don't have to artificially inflate my post-count or any nonsense like that!

I wonder if they'll go for the steam early-access option, seems pretty popular with devs these days. That advanced injection of cash has got to be pretty tempting.
Tempting and probably unnecessary, since Warband seems to always move copies when it's on sale at least, plus it and its predecessor did quite well for an unknown (at the time) studio.
WilySly said:
kraggrim said:
Thanks, glad to hear I don't have to artificially inflate my post-count or any nonsense like that!

My life, wasted

Nah man, we're gamers. Watching little numbers go up on a screen with no material gain is it's own reward  :grin: .
Das Knecht said:
What?! There's no material gain?
Except for T-Shirts and M.

M as last seen:

Interesting proposal bob... For people who have not met bob, he is a somewhat known troll at times, within the NW community. (I mean this in no offence to you bob). Personally if any of the Australian players or NZ players get alpha testing, I don't reckon it should be the NW community, and yes I am APART of the Australian NW community. I believe it should go to the more hardcore WB native Australian community, as they've played native the most, have the most experience, etc.

I am interested to see how taleworlds will react bob and if they actually read this.

Personally I reckon Yedrellow should have the chance as he seems to be one of the most active WB players.
What's an Australia?

EDIT: Scratch that, I looked it up. Here's a link to help others like me. Enjoy!
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