In Progress Français Missing articles in "sells well" sentences in taverns

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Translation Error: On raconte que fromage se vend bien à XXX
Corrected Translation: On raconte que le fromage se vend bien à XXX
Where did you find this error (which conversation, screen, area,...)?: Tavern conversation

This sentence comes from SandBox/.../std_SandBox-fre.xml:
id="rTrGXB1o" text="Oui... On raconte que {.l}{._}{ITEM_NAME} se vend bien {.cl}{TOWN_NAME}...

This time, the token {.l} is present, but anyway there is no article before "fromage". Why?
Because all the items have a genre, as we can see for example into SandBoxCore/.../std_spitems_xml-fre.xml... all, except the items that have a Plural definition as:
id="WSk5Sibs" text="Fromage{@Plural}caisses de fromage{\@}"

This is a mistake, these items must have also a genre definition.
We will change only the singular names, because the Plural value is generally used after a {.dl} token that works fine in that case.
So you must change all the items definitions in both files Native/.../std_module_strings_xml-fre.xml and SandBoxCore/.../std_spitems_xml-fre.xml (the IDs are the same, but module_strings is read first and its definition shall be kept).

Here are the genre values you must give to obtain a proper French:

id="1jqxlEkT" text="{.F}{.P}Épices{@Plural}sacs d'épices{\@}"
id="45kZUyjh" text="{.F}{.P}Olives{@Plural}tonneaux d'olives{\@}"
id="4kvKQuXM" text="{.F}{.P}Peaux{@Plural}cargaisons de peaux{\@}"
id="9pwIt4aa" text="{.F}{.S}Cire{@Plural}cargaisons de cire{\@}"
id="ADJBbfbQ" text="{.F}{.S}Fourrure{@Plural}tas de fourrure{\@}"
id="awQrcrt2" text="{.F}{.S}Poterie{@Plural}caisses de poteries{\@}"
id="baFazbmR" text="{.M}{.S}Fer{@Plural}cargaisons de minerai de fer{\@}"
id="bh2v8n4K" text="{.M}{.S}Vêtement{@Plural}cargaisons de vêtements{\@}"
id="BQDrheU6" text="{.M}{.S}Tissu{@Plural}cargaisons de tissu{\@}"
id="DvGueBrU" text="{.M}{.S}Lin tissé{@Plural}rouleaux de lin tissé{\@}"
id="ELsDFwAD" text="{.M}{.S}Vin{@Plural}amphores de vin{\@}"
id="ExjMoUiT" text="{.M}{.S}Bois dur{@Plural}troncs de bois dur{\@}"
id="Fg9qCGUu" text="{.M}{.S}Raisin{@Plural}sacs de raisin{\@}"
id="GD4aQgl7" text="{.M}{.S}Mouton{@Plural}moutons{\@}"
id="HiSzYWeh" text="{.F}{.S}Bière{@Plural}tonneaux de bière{\@}"
id="IK2IPJi1" text="{.M}{.S}Sel{@Plural}sacs de sel{\@}"
id="ITTGMEUJ" text="{.F}{.P}Dattes{@Plural}sacs de dattes{\@}"
id="Itv3fgJm" text="{.F}{.P}Céréales{@Plural}cargaisons de céréales{\@}"
id="jPwa1oOm" text="{.M}{.S}Argent{@Plural}cargaisons de minerai d'argent{\@}"
id="LmwhFv5p" text="{.F}{.S}Viande{@Plural}cargaisons de viande{\@}"
id="lULBZ714" text="{.F}{.S}Huile{@Plural}amphores d'huile{\@}"
id="n3cjEB0X" text="{.M}{.P}Outils{@Plural}cargaisons d'outils{\@}"
id="O8TpGSDA" text="{.M}{.S}Velours{@Plural}rouleaux de velours{\@}"
id="QGaIYQpg" text="{.M}{.S}Poisson{@Plural}barils de poissons{\@}"
id="QWqvGa1P" text="{.F}{.S}Vache{@Plural}têtes de bétail{\@}"
id="ufnnUxKb" text="{.M}{.S}Cuir{@Plural}caisses de cuir{\@}"
id="VbL6GFmy" text="{.M}{.S}Beurre{@Plural}barriques de beurre{\@}"
id="Vqu67a3b" text="{.F}{.S}Soie brute{@Plural}rouleaux de soie{\@}"
id="WSk5Sibs" text="{.M}{.S}Fromage{@Plural}caisses de fromage{\@}"
id="WVqaRKUm" text="{.F}{.S}Laine{@Plural}cargaisons de laine{\@}"
id="xsu6bPTv" text="{.M}{.S}Lin brut{@Plural}sacs de lin brut{\@}"
id="yQTBY9ie" text="{.M}{.S}Bijou{@Plural}bijoux{\@}"
id="Zwb65ufG" text="{.M}{.S}Argile{@Plural}cargaisons d'argile{\@}"

Please note that Épices, Olives, Peaux, Dattes, Céréales and Outils are plural even if we are into the singular section, because these items are never bought one by one.
But there is still a difference between buy some Dattes and buy "sacs de dattes", which is the difference required by the Plural function.

Normally, for these articles, the verb should be changed according the Plural status: "On dit que les céréales se vendent bien..." but I'm not sure how to take this into account. May a "{?IS-PLURAL(ITEM_NAME)}vendent{?}vend{\?}" solve this issue? I did not have time to test this, but it would be fine to fix that too.

If you do the above modifications in both files, we will obtain the right sentence in French with a "le" before "fromage":


Thanks to update both files. :xf-smile:


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