Lords that i convinced to join me still tries to attack me (Edit: Found a fix)

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Sometimes when i convince a lord to join my faction they still try to attack me, but since they are friendly now they are just locking me into an endless talking loop i cant get out of.

So i am locked into a loop like this:
"tries to attack" --> Hello my lord, how are you? --> "leave conversation" --> Goodbye my lord --> "repeat"

Anyone know a fix for this?

Edit: I found a fix for it though it is pretty stupid.
After i ended a conversation i spammed "K" to enter the kingdom tab.
I originally planned to kick the lord i had convinced to join my faction out of the faction.
But i found out the game treats you more like a vassal than a king when you create your own kingdom so i could not kick him out.
BUT i could leave MY OWN kingdom and declare war on it.
So it fixed the problem and now i am fighting my own kingdom while i officially dont have my own kingdom anymore :razz:
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