SP - UI Launch game with saved campaigns minimized

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At present, if you have 3 saved campaigns with multiple saved games, then you have to scroll down if you have been playing anything other than the top campaign. I propose that the load game menu startup with the saved campaign option minimized.

In addition or alternatively, the game could remember what the most recent campaign played was and always load that to the top of the page.
Wouldn't it be even better to create a dedicated subfolder when a new campaign is started ? So we could switch campaign without having a cluttered save list.
I couldn't understand what you mean exactly. Do you mean not showing other campaigns after opening "Save" while in a campaign?
I mean using something like profiles, but for campaigns instead. So when a player starts a new campaign, a new subfolder is created (so \Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Game Saves\Campaign Name) and all saves from this campaign are saved in this folder. And to load a save from a different campaign, the player has to select a different folder (I can imagine a "Change campaign" button showing a campaign selector, or even a simple "\.." to go up one level in the folder hierarchy).
That is essentially hiding saves from other campaigns. Since the categorization will be the same as the current implementation but other campaigns will not be shown. No need to create folders.

In that version, a dropdown above the inner panel of the save/load screen panel, would be the best place for it(for selecting different campaigns). Even then though, if we don't let the players name their campaigns, loading a save game from the main menu would be cumbersome since players would need to click through every dropdown item to see which save they want to load. That's one more thing to implement if we went with this direction.
I think asking the player to name the campaign at creation wouldn't be a big problem.
If you play Stellaris, you might have a look at how they manage it, I've always found their way of managing saves was very intuitive and efficient.

Also, there is a point that has been bugging me in M&B :
In most games, when you press "quicksave", it saves the game in the "quicksave" slot (or the rotating slots when there is several). And when you press "quickload", it loads the most recently used quicksave slot.
But in M&B, there is no quicksave-specific slots, the hotkeys simply save/load the latest save game modified. It means that each time I want to save the game at a specific point I might want to return later, I need to make said save and then make another one so quicksaving won't overwrite the save I just made. This isn't really intuitive and is rather redundant.

Could we get dedicated (and campaign-specific) quicksave/quickload slots ? So we don't need to manually manage which is the latest save modified to avoid accidental overwrite ?
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