load game

  1. Closed Multiplayer wont start, stuck on "Logging In"

    Summary: When starting the multiplayer game it gets stuck on the "Logging In" forever. How to Reproduce: Start the multiplayer game and click on log in. Computer Specs: OS: Windows 11 Home GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Max-Q Deisgn GPU Driver Version: 546.29 CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H...
  2. Resolved will not run

    Summary: How to Reproduce: Have you used cheats and if so which: Scene Name (if related): Media (Screenshots & Video): Computer Specs: OS:windows 10 64 GPU:rtx 2080 super GPU Driver Version: CPU:i7 10700 RAM:16 Motherboard: idk??? where can i get that? Storage Device (HDD/SSD):ssd...
  3. Ananda_The_Destroyer

    Resolved [1.5.10 Beta] Daily wage gets paid every time I load the game

    Summary: Save the game, load the game, move on the map proc the daily wage to be paid, save the game, load the game, move on the map, it is paid again. I know this bug existed in past, but was fixed. Sad to see it back. How to Reproduce: Save the game, load the game, move on the map proc the...
  4. Rybn47

    SP - UI Show character in saved campaign selection

    Small adition I think. Show the character before loading the campaign like it shows in 'inventory' and 'party screen' menus. Maybe give it a cool stance like surrendering to looter warlords Here's my very alpha demo
  5. Resolved Can't load 1.5.4 saves in 1.5.5

    My game crashes when trying to load any of my recent saves (although those from months ago are ok). This happened after the 1.5.5 patch. Rolling my game back to 1.5.4 allows me to load my saves again. I have no mods whatsoever.
  6. SP - UI Launch game with saved campaigns minimized

    At present, if you have 3 saved campaigns with multiple saved games, then you have to scroll down if you have been playing anything other than the top campaign. I propose that the load game menu startup with the saved campaign option minimized. In addition or alternatively, the game could...
  7. Closed Loading a game, saving a game, and accessing saved games causes Bannerlord to freeze.

    Whenever I try and load a save, save my game or access my saved games from the main menu, Bannerlord freezes. It takes several minutes for it to successfully load or save a game, during which the game shows me a frozen load game or save game screen. Verifying the game cache and uninstalling has...
  8. Resolved No Game at all

    I have this issue where when I load the game I only have the options I have on the Menu are Options, Credits and Exit game, I do not have any way to start a new game otr load a saved game. I have uninstalled the game and reinstalled verify the files in steam. It is like this with and version...
  9. Closed Crash on load save after 1.5.0 update

    Hello, Summary: I started to get crashes while loading 1.4.3 save file. I can start custom battle from main menu. I have never installed any mods. I got game from epic games, validated 2 times, gave exception for windows defender, tried to run with win 7 compabilty and launched directly...
  10. Sgtskywalk

    SP - UI Main menu options renaming

    Very small suggestion, but it would be much better and user-friendly to rename and move the following options in the main menu as follows: "Campaign" --> Rename it to "New campaign" and move it to the very top of the list. "Saved games" --> Rename it to "Load game" and put it as the 2nd option...
  11. Resolved Repeating crash after editing .sav file

    Summary: I might be an idiot for trying to edit a .sav file in notepad, just to get some extra starting money, but it seemed like a good idea. So I created a character, played for a couple of hours. Wanted more money, thought I could edit the .sav file, found it on my pc, opened it, changed the...
  12. Closed Crash loading a save during 1.4 beta

    Im crashing suddenly when i downloaded the 1.4 beta when loading a save file, it crashes and says ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: Key and then a bunch of other text about TaleWorlds.Campaign.System things I will post my screenshots of the crash notification and my...
  13. Closed Performance drop during loading save game

    Summary: Loading saved game multiple times during single session significantly worsen performance during loading screen and for a short moment after game is loaded. Mainly affected by this bug is music during loading screen How to Reproduce: launch the game and load saved game. Play for a while...
  14. Closed Game crashing when loading save

    Hello! I am 24 hours in and loving the game. However I fear I may have to start over again... When I try and load my latest save, the game crashes. I can’t post photos yet... is there any work around for this? I have updated my graphics card, restarted my computer, and nothing is working. In...
  15. Save game won't load after the latest branch update

    Save game won't load anymore after the latest update. It doesn't even crash. The Load Game button simply doesn't work.
  16. The Last Vandal

    Resolved ?[e1.1.0] Trade leveling issue

    As we know, character's trade skill increases when player buy goods and sell them in other places with any profit. But from patch e1.1.0 game started to 'forget' which price the goods was buying if any load screen was between buy and sell operations. For example I was attacking buy looters while...
  17. Resolved Unable to load my saved games

    Last update/hotfix broke something, can't load any of my old saves. Game does not crash, it just thinks for a while but never opens the save, does not go to the loading screen or anything. Everything was okay like 12 hours ago.
  18. Bohemicus

    Closed Saved games load crash

    Hey there! After I changed from the testing(beta) branch back to the main branch, I can't access my saved games. When I start the game and click on "Resume Game", the game crashes. When I start new game and make whole new save, I can't load it up bcs If I click on "load", in the in-game menu...
  19. SP - General Load button inside battle

    I would like to suggest the load button to be accessible from inside the battle screen. Quite often in mid-battle we already know it is going to be a defeat, and we have to quit to main menu or wait for it to end in order to reload our game previously to the battle. It would be nice to be able...
  20. Closed Game does not load save/ does not save.

    The game simply after this update stopped loading saved games and also no longer saves. When you click on the options it simply goes out on its own, no error appears on the screen, it started after the 1.0.8 update. Português: o jogo simplesmente deixou de funcionar após esta nova atualização...
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