Is there a flag I can check on the mateirals tab to disable the red vertex color

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Grandmaster Knight
I'm tired of seeing a 'bloody' lightsaber or robot in my mod, is there a flag I can check on the materials tab to disable the red vertex coloring that happens on models when they are 'bloody'.  I know I can disable blood in the m&b config, but I'd rather do it for specific models instead....
HokieBT said:
I'm tired of seeing a 'bloody' lightsaber or robot in my mod, is there a flag I can check on the materials tab to disable the red vertex coloring that happens on models when they are 'bloody'.  I know I can disable blood in the m&b config, but I'd rather do it for specific models instead....

That's a good idea, or be able to change the color (oil/coolant for droids)
yeah, you can change the color of the blood particle effects by creating a new race in module skins, but the coloring that is done on models seems hard-coded at red.  argh....
Wish I could help more that just bumping your thread.  That's an area I've never looked at, though with a zombie mod, it might be cool to have the zombies use a different color blood!
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