Resolved [INFO]A small reminder to those posting bugs:

Because some people like polls: Have you read the "How to report a bug" post?

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Please remember to follow the How to report a bug post format, pinned at the top of the forum, which MArdA was kind enough to outline. It helps to keep the reports orderly and consistent for the issues being presented. Also:
  • Make sure it has a title related to the issue. A title like "READ THIS NOW!!" may well be ignored, in favor of one which is more descriptive.
  • Give as much detail as possible regarding your issue. You may see it as something simple, but a simple issue may be caused by some larger issue elsewhere and it may take longer if they have to try to recreate your specific circumstances when they don't know what your circumstances were.
  • Seemingly unrelated things, like your computer specs when reporting a siege glitch, may be more involved than you might think or may answer a completely unrelated issue that the devs have been working on.
  • The version you are running may be a vital key, especially if the issue was not present in an earlier version (make sure to note that detail as well).
  • Don't hesitate to add more information if some should present itself.
  • Keep in mind that there are a limited number of TaleWorlds employees scanning these forums and a lot of us. Search for similar issues and update those rather than starting a new thread for an issue that has been reported hundreds of times already. You may even find that they have already flagged the issue as In Progress.
  • Known Issues thread: Unsolved Known Issues
  • Solved Issues thread: Solved Fixed Issues
More reasonably, the moderator should be combining threads; since ultimately they are person making the decision on how to use the report.

The guide puts the onus on the customer to do the analysis and work. In my opinion, that is misguided.

We aren't the clerks.

Please remember to follow the How to report a bug post format, pinned at the top of the forum, which MArdA was kind enough to outline. It helps to keep the reports orderly and consistent for the issues being presented. Also:
  • Make sure it has a title related to the issue. A title like "READ THIS NOW!!" may well be ignored, in favor of one which is more descriptive.
  • Give as much detail as possible regarding your issue. You may see it as something simple, but a simple issue may be caused by some larger issue elsewhere and it may take longer if they have to try to recreate your specific circumstances when they don't know what your circumstances were.
  • Seemingly unrelated things, like your computer specs when reporting a siege glitch, may be more involved than you might think or may answer a completely unrelated issue that the devs have been working on.
  • The version you are running may be a vital key, especially if the issue was not present in an earlier version (make sure to note that detail as well).
  • Don't hesitate to add more information if some should present itself.
  • Keep in mind that there are a limited number of TaleWorlds employees scanning these forums and a lot of us. Search for similar issues and update those rather than starting a new thread for an issue that has been reported hundreds of times already. You may even find that they have already flagged the issue as In Progress.
  • Known Issues thread: Unsolved Known Issues
  • Solved Issues thread: Solved Fixed Issues
More reasonably, the moderator should be combining threads; since ultimately they are person making the decision on how to use the report.
They do combine threads from time to time. I have seen it done in the Suggestions forum previously as had been noted in their list of suggestions. I do agree that they should be combined, to an extent, but at the same time by doing a simple search to see if one's issue has been noted, the forum can be more easily managed and the likelihood that individual issues being noticed and addressed increases.

The more time a moderator spends combining like-treads, the less time they have to read about separate issues and sending those issues to the development team to be addressed. With fewer threads covering the same issue to begin with, they would be able to process more of them in less time. I am not trying to make more work for the customer, I am trying to make the forums more efficient so that our issues can be addressed in a more timely manner.

The guide puts the onus on the customer to do the analysis and work. In my opinion, that is misguided.

The intent is not to put the onus on the customer, but for the customer to work with the developers in making it easier for the dev team to reproduce the issue at hand in order to have a better chance of seeing the same result in order to discover the underlying issue more rapidly. I'm not implying that a customer should write a novel for a simple issue like a leaning siege tower, but it would help to know what fief was being sieged and the position of the tower in question (left or right) so they can find what likely caused the problem and fix it quickly. If the report simply states that one of the siege towers was leaning, then the dev team has to look through all of the possible siege locations in order to figure out which towers may have the issue.

Basically: I am assuming that those going through the effort of reporting bugs would like to see them addressed in a timely manner. In order to streamline the process they should give detailed information and attempt to consolidate posts as much as possible. Does that better explain what I am suggesting a bit better?
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More reasonably, the moderator should be combining threads; since ultimately they are person making the decision on how to use the report.

The guide puts the onus on the customer to do the analysis and work. In my opinion, that is misguided.

We aren't the clerks.

The issue is the player to employee ratio. There are 33,000 messages out here on Warband, in 10,000 threads. How many TaleWorlds employees do we want devoted to reading through thousands of messages to figure out which are useful and different that may contain data the coders actually need to hunt the bug? How quickly do we want the bug fixed?

Also... you (and me and everyone else playing the game right now) bought the game early access. We knew there were going to be issues and we accepted that. I will say that there is a solid amount of content, PLUS the rate at which the developers are updating and patching, I think they are working hard and using the money we paid to expand content and add polish.

So far, I have found every bug I have experienced already noted in another thread. I've not had to go past the 2nd page of search results to find it either.
You should search the forum to see if the bug was already reported first, then add any relevant details if it was. It never hurts to report a bug, or add to an existing thread. Consider that many people may be reporting bugs and yours may be one in a thousand at any given time. Also, there may have been information you had missed when initially reporting the issue. Ultimately it is completely up to the user how they wish to report a bug, so you will need to use your own discretion.
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