Resolved Русский - RU Incorrect localization in different sections of the multiplayer (by meaning or because of incorrect display)

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Current translation (in your language)
1 - "Уехать"; 2 - "Уехать"; 3 - "Имеет официальный статус"
Corrected translation (in your language)
1 - "Выйти" or "Покинуть"; 2 - "Выйти"; 3 - "Официальный", or better "Официальный сервер"
Current English translation
1 - "Leave"; 2 - don't know for sure, but probably "Leave" too; 3 - "Is Official"
Translation Error:
  1. "Уехать"
  2. "Уехать"
  3. "Имеет официальный статус"

Corrected Translation:
  1. It should not be "Уехать", but "Выйти" or "Покинуть"
  2. It should not be "Уехать", but "Выйти"
  3. Should not be "Имеет официальный статус", but "Официальный", or better "Официальный сервер"

Where did you find this error (which conversation, screen, area,...)?:
  1. The inscription on the clan screen near the button with the clan leaving
  2. On the voting screen for the next map, the inscription near the button with the function of leaving the server
  3. On the server list screen, in the Filters section

I mentioned some of these problems a year ago in this thread


1 clan screen.png

22 voting screen.png

3 server list screen.png
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