I'm curious to know.....

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What are the name of your dynasties in game for any culture you play?

I'll start, although I had only a few saves:

Imperial: Aquilos (northern) / Aurelios (western)

Vlandia: dey Larnac

Sturgia: Svendivids

Also, I'd love to hear from the Developers, what are theirs, if they have a 2 minutes to post here!
I mostly play as Imperial these days - You're most likely to end up owning Imperial cities and it just means you can ignore most loyalty affecting quests.

I always name my Imperial clans after Romans in Asterix books. My current clan is called Obsequilis
Band of the Hawk
Kentaro Miura approves.

I'm a big fan of following the naming conventions - so like others have said - dey X for vlandians etc. other then that i usually just roll a random generator until i find something I like.
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