If there was a 2nd Napoleonic Wars,what features would you want?

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
If there was a 2nd Napoleonic Wars (Yes I know Vince has already said not for M&B2 but this is a hypothetical) what new massive features would you want.
I'd certainly like Horse artillery though I can understand how it would be hard to do.
I also think full on naval warfare would be good,though that would require a helluva lot of players for anything bigger than a sloop.
A few more units just for varieties sake.
Attachable bayonets.
And even though I doubt it's possible yet,lets double it to 400 player servers :wink: but with minimal lag.

Now these things would be damned hard I'm sure but they'd really help complete the epic feel of the game.
Any big features you lads would welcome?
Attachable bayonets, 250-300 player slots and the current factions plus US, Sweden and the Ottoman Empire for visual variety.

Oh, and a lot of flat maps perfect for line battles.
Virtual Goggles!!!

Oh the epicness...


If there were to be a new Napoleonic wars game with a better engine I would definitely like

-new factions: Netherlands, Sweden, Rebels
-fix bayonets animation
-naval combat
-fast, violent combat with moves such as rifle butting, pistol whipping, punching with your offhand, etc
-ragdoll animation for artillery kills
-more period-accurate sword swinging animations
-better death sounds
-more immersive background sounds
-more character customization options (more facial details, height, weight, skin tone, hair color,  scars)
-better horse mechanics
Shrapnel Shot, Quick Lime, FPS artillery
Bolt action Rifles
ABANDON THREAD, jk, but Id like the top row.
Mostly just more factions and bigger servers would be nice.

Oh and let me have a cigar and a monocle with this moustache! :evil:

Naval battles would be glorious as well. Very much hoping the secret next project is a pirate game...
More animations for each attack.
Being able to find and use items around the map.Like Spanish village and use that scythe.
Also keeping the loot that you kept during last round.
An analog peripheral device for realistic ramrod packing. Do you pack quickly to get a shot off sooner, or pack slow and steady for a better shot? The choice is now in your hands!
Horse bumps doing actual damage
Galloping option For cavalry/Sprint Option for Infantry
More realistic reload times
Machete units for every faction.

But i would like to see you able to equip your own hat for Prussia and the 95th Rifles so you dont have random hat selection.

I would also love to see the ability to equip/un-equip a great coat for just about every unit.
Spain  Oh yeah :!:

New cool animations,for example:berserkergang animations :!:

Only 1 small grenade per grenadier :!:

New formations and fire type for commander gamemode(square,continuos fire...) :!:

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