Ideas for kingdom Management

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After playing a good few hours as my own kingdom and finally establishing an empire here are my ideas on what i'd like to see in the Kingdom mode

1: Have some ability to give orders to my various armies. Currently the only army you can control is your own however as King i'd like to be able to give orders to other armies and my companions forces such as Attack a certain settlement, defend a settlement, Patrol a region etc. I find the AI can be incompetent so i'd like to know what they are doing, where they are and give them orders.

2: Being able to see relationships with other factions and characters and see who is at war. I'd like a wide range of diplomatic options to either increase or decrease relationships and perhaps even use my own spies to conduct espionage and false flag attacks to blame other factions however i'd only like this mechanic if the AI knew how to use such a thing aswell

3: Competent AI. This is obviously a given but as it stands the AI doesn't know how to behave. It is overly aggressive even if vastly outnumbered and will declare war on the most powerful factions. The reason for AI snowballing is simply because it wants nothing else than war. Wars can last for a long period of time and once peace is initiated you can bet merely days later they will be at war again. The AI needs to have other goals rather than just expansion. When not in war the AI should be heavily building up forces which means peace time should be much longer however when war does commence then it should be longer and more harsh as then each side will have amassed quite a sizable force. Fewer yet more powerful wars

4: Recruit my own armies with companions. Instead of having to bribe other factions armies i'd like the ability to recruit my own armies. Perhaps once a companion has reached a certain level you can promote them to become a leader of a new clan in your kingdom allowing that companion spot they previously held to be filled with a new recruit.

5: Minimize how easy it is to bribe and defect other armies. At the moment i could be -60 relationship with some characters yet if i succeed in convincing them to join my forces through 4 stages of dialog they will end up joining my army. That is just ridiculous, first the only way you should be able to do this is IF you have an impeccable relationship with this character and even then it should it very difficult. As it stands there is no other way to build an army other than to bribe other armies to defect over to you but once the ability to form your own armies is here this needs to change otherwise steamrolling the AI can be done in an hour's sitting

If any of you guys have any ideas go ahead. For me this is just a start, of course i'd love alot more depth to go into whatever mechanics they do put in
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