Grandmaster Knight

1) the movement speed of the armies.
large armies move very fast. especially in the middle ages, a real army cannot move that fast. the army’s food needs and the transportation of these foods are difficult. also, the soldiers should get tired and need to rest. but now the armies in the game are moving without stopping. so there is a constant siege-fight progression. the movement speeds of the armies should be reduced, after a certain period of progress, the soldiers should get tired and camp and rest. if the player does not do this, the soldiers in the unit should be injured or die. also, during wartime, the soldiers’ wages should be 2x. this way, there will be fewer wars.
2) abandoning captured settlements.
a siege is made and the city is captured. the army leaves the city with a maximum of 100 soldiers to siege another settlement without “resting” again. therefore, due to low garrison, the city is either lost by rebellion or by another army’s siege. as a result, a siege made in vain emerges. what should happen is that the army stays in the city for a while, enlarges the garrison, rests and protects the city before moving again.
3) no planning after declaring war.
wars are all about gathering armies. what should happen is to make a war plan first. these are;
-Storing food
-the armies to be established should proceed with a strategy (while one army advances to x city, another army advances to y city or while one army sieges x city, another army loots all enemy villages etc.)
-strengthening the garrisons of cities
-There should be a marshal system in Warband. one or a few armies should be appointed as maraşel by voting and other lords should not form armies according to their own wishes. this way, the number of armies will also decrease.
4) Kingdoms looting their own villages
this kills realism. looting villages that belong to your own nation even though they are newly lost city and its villages is nonsense.
5) kingdom lords only recruiting soldiers from their own nation
for example, a vlandia baron should only take soldiers from vlandia soldier tree to his army. this way, more realistic armies will emerge.
note: sorry for the bad english.
large armies move very fast. especially in the middle ages, a real army cannot move that fast. the army’s food needs and the transportation of these foods are difficult. also, the soldiers should get tired and need to rest. but now the armies in the game are moving without stopping. so there is a constant siege-fight progression. the movement speeds of the armies should be reduced, after a certain period of progress, the soldiers should get tired and camp and rest. if the player does not do this, the soldiers in the unit should be injured or die. also, during wartime, the soldiers’ wages should be 2x. this way, there will be fewer wars.
2) abandoning captured settlements.
a siege is made and the city is captured. the army leaves the city with a maximum of 100 soldiers to siege another settlement without “resting” again. therefore, due to low garrison, the city is either lost by rebellion or by another army’s siege. as a result, a siege made in vain emerges. what should happen is that the army stays in the city for a while, enlarges the garrison, rests and protects the city before moving again.
3) no planning after declaring war.
wars are all about gathering armies. what should happen is to make a war plan first. these are;
-Storing food
-the armies to be established should proceed with a strategy (while one army advances to x city, another army advances to y city or while one army sieges x city, another army loots all enemy villages etc.)
-strengthening the garrisons of cities
-There should be a marshal system in Warband. one or a few armies should be appointed as maraşel by voting and other lords should not form armies according to their own wishes. this way, the number of armies will also decrease.
4) Kingdoms looting their own villages
this kills realism. looting villages that belong to your own nation even though they are newly lost city and its villages is nonsense.
5) kingdom lords only recruiting soldiers from their own nation
for example, a vlandia baron should only take soldiers from vlandia soldier tree to his army. this way, more realistic armies will emerge.
note: sorry for the bad english.