SP - General I am not allowed to talk with you.

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It is great to fight. Greater still to win against a big enemy and capture its leaders.
Yet, after the fight, after bringing the loser side to my castle and incarcerating them in my dungeons, a castle which I myself am the owner, where I am the faction leader of my empire, the answer I get from trying to talk to my prisoners within the dungeons is "I am not allowed to talk with you."

There is no one in that castle with more authority then me, so if I talk to you you better talk back to me, or heads will roll THOMUND!
Either way, guess you won't be winning any tournaments now, so my 1st place in the leaderboards is not gonna be taken any time soon.

Also... so dark in here. Can I have a torch when walking inside the dungeons? Please...

deGoucan Scrolls Index
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I agree, the unavailability to talk to your prisoners in your own castle is a bit confusing. Wouldn't it make sense to be able to talk to them and allow player to offer the captured lord to betray their liege and join your Kingdom? It would be also cool to gain some bonus during the persuasion because the prisoner is in the dungeon and a bit scared.
I think you should also have some way to talk to other people's prisoners, specifically because of the main quest. It's a major pain when the last Lord you need to talk to is imprisoned and you need to wait sometimes months for them to escape or get released... Especially when they then teleport to the other side of the map.

Bribe the guard, maybe? Get some rogue skill, yay.
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