I'm just making this post to create a compilation thread indexing with links to the feedbacks I've provide and will continue to provide.
I'll be commenting here from time to time to give it a *bump* whenever I add new content to it.
And I'll also add a link to the bottom of my every feedback that is added here to return to this Index as well, even the ones I've already previously posted.
I will not be adding every single feedback and bug report I ever did, just the ones I personally believe to be my best or most pertinent content to better organize my thoughts and try to give a bit more visibility to that which I truly believe to be important and would very much like to see as native in the vanilla game.
Smaller clans ARISE! Affinity and Military Alliances. => An overhaul to the game's relationship and diplomacy system.
Exhaustion, Stamina, Immersion Mini-Games, New Clan Positions & Skill/Perks/Attributes Alterations. => Compilation thread with a small focus.
Damage Types => Armors would have specific types of resistance just as there are multiple types of damage.
Smaller makes bigger? Size and Models randomized variations. => Variations to the models to make the world feel bigger and more unique.
Tournament Finals Cutscene and Option to Skip Cutscene => Short animation for tournament finals and option to skip cutscenes.
Suggestions and Inspiration for Ship Battles and Commanding. => Ship battles and reference for inspiration.
Workshops => Suggested overhaul for the Workshops scene and system.
Small Civilian/Mercenary/Notable Parties => Small non-noble roaming parties.
- Where doest thy Loyalty lie? => Alterations to the loyalty system and possibility of rebellions and revolts in settlements.
Companions and the AI => AI hiring companions, AI marriages, Companion number modifiers and Caravans.
Governor for hire => A way to have a governor that does not belong to your clan to take care of your settlements by hiring them.
Settlement Management => New tools in order to help players better manage their fiefs and an alteration to settlements "Prosperity".
Layered Customizable Scar & War Paint Interface => Changes to Character Customization allowing for multiple scars and war paints.
Hide Helmet => Giving the player the option to hide the currently worn helmet.
Save Options => New campaign options regarding the saves to create added realism for the game.
Highlighting => Making the Alt key also highlight enemies, heroes, siege weapons and arrow buckets.
Carriages => Implementation of carriages to the game.
Portable Siege => Implementation of a new mechanic to allow for the pre-battle deployment and carrying of Siege Devices for normal battles.
Shepherd Sling => Adding Shepherd Slings to the game as a possible and widely used weapon for tier 1 and tier 0 troops.
Spears are weak. => Request for rebalancing of damage and correction to proper spear holding technique in the game.
Drop EVERYTHING => Suggestion that dead characters should drop all their pickable equipment and not only the item at hand.
Customize Max Tier Troops into Elites => Allowing the customization of max tiered troops and turning them into random named "Elite" troops.
Issuing orders and information network => Commanding parties and armies of your kingdom and information gathering.
Break arrows => Adding the ability to break arrows that are currently piercing the characters body.
Finances => Suggestion of rework on the UI's finance information.
The other hand => Addition of left-handed people to the world and consideration to left-handed players.
Fiefs => Being allowed to award a fief to any clan with 0% votes and to award fiefs belonging to the ruler clan when you are the ruler.
Cavalry charge behaves sort of like infantry. => Feedbacks on the cavalry behavior and charge damage.
Peace & War declarations => Considerations that peace treaties should last for a while and players that break it should lose relation to nobles.
Prisoner heroes magically disappearing is BORING! => Mini-game to stop escape attempts by and to escape when prisoners.
Food for the starving. => Being allowed to fill a settlement's granary out of your inventory to provide them with food.
I am not allowed to talk with you. => Being allowed to talk to your own prisoners and possibly carrying a torch to light dungeons.
Manage villages? => Adding the ability to manage villages of your settlements like you do to castles and towns.
Quite Insufferable... => Feedbacks on the state of bandit hideouts.
Some clothes that should be useable as civilian outfit are not => Allowing more clothing options as civilian outfit out of the game clothes.
One pretty bothersome thing => Allowing the player to choose which horse is gonna be used to upgrade a troop.
About the smithy's smithing system. => Feedbacks on the current smithing system.
Sprinting, maybe? => Adding the ability to sprint by consuming a stamina bar the grows with your athletics level by holding down the Shift key.
I'll be commenting here from time to time to give it a *bump* whenever I add new content to it.
And I'll also add a link to the bottom of my every feedback that is added here to return to this Index as well, even the ones I've already previously posted.
I will not be adding every single feedback and bug report I ever did, just the ones I personally believe to be my best or most pertinent content to better organize my thoughts and try to give a bit more visibility to that which I truly believe to be important and would very much like to see as native in the vanilla game.
Smaller clans ARISE! Affinity and Military Alliances. => An overhaul to the game's relationship and diplomacy system.
Coins, coins, COINS! => An overhaul of the trading system regarding realism by implementing multiple coins and the ability to melt coins.
Marry almost anyone, new dialogue interactions and companion recruitment paths. => NPC interaction, names, marriage & companion options.Exhaustion, Stamina, Immersion Mini-Games, New Clan Positions & Skill/Perks/Attributes Alterations. => Compilation thread with a small focus.
Damage Types => Armors would have specific types of resistance just as there are multiple types of damage.
Smaller makes bigger? Size and Models randomized variations. => Variations to the models to make the world feel bigger and more unique.
Tournament Finals Cutscene and Option to Skip Cutscene => Short animation for tournament finals and option to skip cutscenes.
Suggestions and Inspiration for Ship Battles and Commanding. => Ship battles and reference for inspiration.
Workshops => Suggested overhaul for the Workshops scene and system.
Small Civilian/Mercenary/Notable Parties => Small non-noble roaming parties.
- Where doest thy Loyalty lie? => Alterations to the loyalty system and possibility of rebellions and revolts in settlements.
Companions and the AI => AI hiring companions, AI marriages, Companion number modifiers and Caravans.
Governor for hire => A way to have a governor that does not belong to your clan to take care of your settlements by hiring them.
Settlement Management => New tools in order to help players better manage their fiefs and an alteration to settlements "Prosperity".
Layered Customizable Scar & War Paint Interface => Changes to Character Customization allowing for multiple scars and war paints.
Hide Helmet => Giving the player the option to hide the currently worn helmet.
Save Options => New campaign options regarding the saves to create added realism for the game.
Highlighting => Making the Alt key also highlight enemies, heroes, siege weapons and arrow buckets.
Carriages => Implementation of carriages to the game.
Portable Siege => Implementation of a new mechanic to allow for the pre-battle deployment and carrying of Siege Devices for normal battles.
Shepherd Sling => Adding Shepherd Slings to the game as a possible and widely used weapon for tier 1 and tier 0 troops.
Spears are weak. => Request for rebalancing of damage and correction to proper spear holding technique in the game.
Drop EVERYTHING => Suggestion that dead characters should drop all their pickable equipment and not only the item at hand.
Customize Max Tier Troops into Elites => Allowing the customization of max tiered troops and turning them into random named "Elite" troops.
Issuing orders and information network => Commanding parties and armies of your kingdom and information gathering.
Break arrows => Adding the ability to break arrows that are currently piercing the characters body.
Finances => Suggestion of rework on the UI's finance information.
The other hand => Addition of left-handed people to the world and consideration to left-handed players.
Fiefs => Being allowed to award a fief to any clan with 0% votes and to award fiefs belonging to the ruler clan when you are the ruler.
Cavalry charge behaves sort of like infantry. => Feedbacks on the cavalry behavior and charge damage.
Peace & War declarations => Considerations that peace treaties should last for a while and players that break it should lose relation to nobles.
Prisoner heroes magically disappearing is BORING! => Mini-game to stop escape attempts by and to escape when prisoners.
Food for the starving. => Being allowed to fill a settlement's granary out of your inventory to provide them with food.
I am not allowed to talk with you. => Being allowed to talk to your own prisoners and possibly carrying a torch to light dungeons.
Manage villages? => Adding the ability to manage villages of your settlements like you do to castles and towns.
Quite Insufferable... => Feedbacks on the state of bandit hideouts.
Some clothes that should be useable as civilian outfit are not => Allowing more clothing options as civilian outfit out of the game clothes.
One pretty bothersome thing => Allowing the player to choose which horse is gonna be used to upgrade a troop.
About the smithy's smithing system. => Feedbacks on the current smithing system.
Sprinting, maybe? => Adding the ability to sprint by consuming a stamina bar the grows with your athletics level by holding down the Shift key.
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