How do you play 1866??

You fight with...

  • a rifle and a gun at the same time

    Votes: 78 45.6%
  • a rifle + sword or melee weapon

    Votes: 73 42.7%
  • a rifle + polearm

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • a bow or thrown weapon + melee weapon

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • other

    Votes: 14 8.2%

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I was curious about how you play 1866.
It is a mod were firearms have an extense role, I started using rifles with a sword, but mainly the sword (I guess I was used to play native), however recently I stopped using melee weapons, and now I use a Remington and a Spencer.... great combo  :mrgreen:

Im curious, does any one use lances........ or bows???
That would be brave... :mad:
If you have top-end skills (and adequate aim), the bow actually become superior to most, if not all guns. Lances are still useful, but they've been toned down so AI lancers are no longer quite as dangerous, and it probably takes a specialised companion or player character to take them back to their former glory.

And well, it's still Mount & Blade, so there's nothing more efficient than just that. A mount and a blade  :smile:
I try and keep it as it was meant (though I am not immune to cheese) so dismounted long guns for the troops to thin the advance, then the cavalry mount up and finish them off with cold steel
After some testing, this is the intermediate conclusion I feel coming up:

After early game, in which you'll have to make do with what you get, and therefore in mid-game, you'll be best off giving your companions horses (for mobility and survivability) and high-accuracy rifles so they can actually hit things. Add to that a sabre for every mounted man, and you have a solid escort for yourself, who should ideally be using a repeater to maximise the player advantage over AI. Any non-combat companions you have you might want to arm with shotguns, since those aren't as reliant on skills and proficiencies.
In late-game, when your companions build up reasonable proficiencies, you may consider switching their single-shot rifles to repeaters, to capitalise on their abilities.
If you choose, for whatever reason, to not use horses, then I suggest going for repeaters for everyone right away, since having to reload is what usually kills infantry.

And if you just want to have fun, rather than, say, win: Give as many explosives as possible to everyone except yourself, grab a rifle and watch the fireworks while popping heads everywhere  :smile:
In one of my favourite-savegames I play with a doubble eight gauge and a sawn-off shotgun. With this combo I could travel aound on my own and still hunt down bands of deserters*, but I earned very little experience though...

*especialy near mexican settlements...

EDIT: As you may not know(though you probably do), the doubble eight gauge can't be used on horseback, so I have to play as infantry, but that just makes it even more funny/exciting.
I tend to switch weapons frequently and it also depends on the character I play.
The "standard gear" for skirmishes on the map is: Pistol (no ammo), rifle, melee. The pistol is for duels and if you want a quick shot when the rifles needs to be reloaded.
Sometimes I reverse the pistol and rifle: Winchester (no ammo), pistol, melee. The winchester comes with 13-15 bullets, which is plenty for a few sniping shots from afar, while the pistols does most of the work from short range.
For a melee weapon, the crowbar is a good alternative to the saber, but I changes its damage to blunt (pierce didn't seem right). Reach is just adequate for mounted use, while other weapons are too short.

For some reason I do not equip two rifles. Doesn't seem proper.
Pistol, Rifle, one ammo each.

Or. Rifle, 2 ammunition, Large bag of black powder Bundle.

Never melee weapons, i'll die before I resort to such primitive tactics  :mrgreen:
Two Flintlock pistols, ammunition and an Eaglehead Sabre.

I have my Mexican soldiers kill most of the enemy with volley after volley, then personally duel anyone who survives.
You mean you have two Aston pistols? There are no flintlock pistols in this game.

Myself I like to be a lone rider. I hide behind a cactucs, blast everyone with a repeater, then when they come close with a revolver.
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