SP - General Hidden Hand should be a powerful gang instead of a minor faction

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Now that the player can join the criminal world, I feel that the "Hidden Hand" should be changed from a minor faction to a powerful gang that resides in (mostly) Empire towns. Their presence and activities would have a harsher penalty than the regular gangs. They would be limited to a single alley per town, but that alley could grow very powerful and they would be especially difficult to clear. The player could curry favor with the Hand which would improve their standing with all local branches of the Hand, or oppose them and have negative relations with all the local branches.

Perhaps even include "Embers of the Flame" as a rival gang with similar mechanics that competes with both the Hand and the regular gangs.
The Company of the Golden Boar should be the most powerful faction.
Give them full plate armor (I don't care if full plate didn't exist in the games timeage), super fast oneshot weapons and the best horses and set all their stats to 999999999999999999999999999999999999!!!

The Company of the Golden Boar should be the most powerful faction.
Give them full plate armor (I don't care if full plate didn't exist in the games timeage), super fast oneshot weapons and the best horses and set all their stats to 999999999999999999999999999999999999!!!
This was a parody of the absurdity of the above post anmd not a serious suggestion for everybody who doesn't understand.
for those who don't understand, by doing what you're doing you're literally destroying his thread and suggestion. TW will come in, look at it and see that it has turned into a parody and then they ignore it. :rolleyes:
Now that the player can join the criminal world, I feel that the "Hidden Hand" should be changed from a minor faction to a powerful gang that resides in (mostly) Empire towns. Their presence and activities would have a harsher penalty than the regular gangs. They would be limited to a single alley per town, but that alley could grow very powerful and they would be especially difficult to clear. The player could curry favor with the Hand which would improve their standing with all local branches of the Hand, or oppose them and have negative relations with all the local branches.

Perhaps even include "Embers of the Flame" as a rival gang with similar mechanics that competes with both the Hand and the regular gangs.
would love this !
At the risk of joining a pig in the mud, I just want to note that the suggestion has nothing to do with the Hand or the Embers being my favorite minor factions, and I have no idea how Boar came to that conclusion. In actuality these two factions are my least favorite factions in the game, being useless outside of auto-resolve except as cannon fodder, and until recently I would have preferred they were removed from the game. However, with player-led gangs now included in the base game, I feel that there is a place for these factions that fits both their lore and equipment and which would add flavor (and perhaps some additional challenge) to the current criminal/gang system.
This suggestion is far from absurd, and most of the users joining in are proving so.
In any case, no matter the suggestion, or contents of a thread, anything posted on these forums is open for judgement by any other user--no hard feelings when users simply don't like your suggestions, as long as civil on-topic discussion is being led.
Posts such as, and as short as "It's a silly Idea." have to backed by arguments, otherwise will be considered spam and derailing, because of the low value such posts presents.
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