Hi im a 3D artist, does your game need free help?

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Hi im a 3d artist and i have just got into your great game, and i am curious if you want me to model anything? free of charge? i would love to help.

These are hi poly but i am capable of low poly models, and texturing is a 50/50 :smile: but i can do it :smile:
-Tim Pettigrew[/img]

Welcome to the forum!

Good to see another modeler join us here and I'm sure there will be plenty of modders wanting you to help them out.

As far as doing free modeling for M&B ... the person you would need to talk to would be Armagan. I would suggest that you contact him privately about an offer like that, but thats just a suggestion as I really don't know if he would be interested or not.

Hope to see you around,

I would also be more then happy to contribute any amount of models of almost anything. I only use Blender however, si i dont know if Armagan will be able to make it's file formats compatable.


I mostly make weapons since they dont require much texturing.
Cleitan said:
I would also be more then happy to contribute any amount of models of almost anything. I only use Blender however, si i dont know if Armagan will be able to make it's file formats compatable.


I mostly make weapons since they dont require much texturing.

same, but i suck at making 3D models. :sad:
I can't even draw a straight line or a round circle, i'm pitiful. I can work my way around AutoCAD though, haha.
thank your all to kind!! anyways the game is great and has alot of potential.

As for the not so artistic of you, i use auto cad to with max to model in detail, and stickfigues!!! thats 2D, i cant even to 2D. im too impatient with it :razz:

But yeah, i would love to give the game some help to speed up completion :smile:
sapi said:
wow! they're good!

I'm sure the modders will be drooling/jealous...

Never lol, and Cleitan, blender isn't a professional tool, game moddelling with that program is bound to end up low quallity.
I remember someone saying somewhere that the dev team uses blender. I wouldn't call it low quality.

3d artists should be able to come up with good meshes, no matter the tool...
Well you can just export any object to any other object format if you're stabburn enough.

Total Anarchy nice models, but those are high-poly ones, i suggest you show armagan low-poly (game models) and if you can rig/texture them that should also help.
Evertyime i look and sure enough a skylight render. PLEASE learn to render effectivly.
i dont mean to sound...well, mean but i think your models are pretty basic, they dont show much detail and dont look that high poly.
Also, Skylight rendering doesnt support bumpmaps so your looout post's wood looks very grainy.
trust me on this, i am a long term 3d artist in the industry so keep practising and you will get better.
sathe said:
Evertyime i look and sure enough a skylight render. PLEASE learn to render effectivly.
i dont mean to sound...well, mean but i think your models are pretty basic, they dont show much detail and dont look that high poly.
Also, Skylight rendering doesnt support bumpmaps so your looout post's wood looks very grainy.
trust me on this, i am a long term 3d artist in the industry so keep practising and you will get better.

Skylight rendering ?? are you talking about radiosity/final gether ?
If you do, i don't recall bumpmaps not working with it, they look bad, but they work.

But i have to agree with sathe on the rendering thing, try to avoid radiosity unless you have access to vray or renderman.

Do you have a site with your work sathe ?? you can pm me it if you don't want to post it here :razz:
well sathe, thanks for your honest feedback.
Im a little curios on what you find to be a neat render? i like skylights to quickly light the scene with soft shadows. bump maps do work, but not well, and i wasnt going for the realistic model with bump maps as such.

i used it in a scene im creating (no skylights) and you can barely see teh cart, so i didnt need to much detail.

Thanks anyway for the feedback, you have got me all curious on what it should look like and how to improve it, i do agree with you it needs work, and im always open for more detailed suggeestion from tallented artists such as your self.

i will be good at this one day
Total Anarchy, i read my post today and realise it was a bit too harsh, i was in a """" mood so sorry if i put your work down, for begining in 3d they are pretty good although i feel you can still improve on detail and lighting.
i prefer three point lighting, however if i was trying to mimic a skylight (for a turntable render as an example) i would duplicate 100point lights in a dome formation around the scene. This mimicks a skylight almost exactly however bumpmapping works and you have full control over shadow density etc.
I suggest you look up :
three point lighting setups and dome lighting setups. There is tons of material on both of them.

As for my work, it is mostly confidential do to privacy agreements i have made with work. I work at Fuel an Australian 3d advertising and cgi firm.
i have just finished creating some work for Telstra. This wasnt used so i am able to show it.
Nice man ...

Well i didn't ask what you currently work on, but rather a portfolio/demoreel site, i guess you don't have one than nevermind.

Also i hope you didn't mean your contracts don't allow you to show *any* work you've done, because that will mean you won't be able to show anything if you wanna get hired to another company or work as a freelancer.
But i guess you're experienced enough not to make that mistake :smile:
Its ok sathe, we all have our days.
I took it as constructive critisim, its hard to find anyone to say bad things about my models. So i thank you for the advice :smile:

as for your lighting tips, i shall certainly look into it.
i used 3 point lighting in film and TV, during highschool i cant understand why i didnt use it in my scenes.....guess we all try to forget highschool :razz:

I shall play around with them this arvo and see what i can come up with.
Thanks again.

Anyways, I am impressed by your model of your hand.
and Glad to hear your and AUSSIE!!! Im from Brisbane but lived in every city on the east coast.
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