SP - General Herd quest needs a re-balance.

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Grandmaster Knight
The Herd penalty hurts now.

In the very early game, when given ten horses you are provided with only one peasant to help herd them. This made sense previously because the herd penalty was so low, but now it is devastating. If taking the quest solo and assuming you have one riding horse and one sumpter horse, you will get hit with a -3.98 herd penalty from the extra horses, even after the peasant joins your party. Now, that might be some of the risk-reward at play but neither the typical distance of the destination nor the time to complete the quest have been recalculated. Taking the quest from Karahan (just south of Odokh), I was given a destination of Razih. There was not enough time to reach the town.

Either select shorter destinations, give more peasants to help with the herd penalty or allow a bit more time to complete.
I mean, you should have some men with you as you are the escort, and being early in the game you shouldn't have that many horses with you yet that those extra should hurt.
I mean, you should have some men with you as you are the escort, and being early in the game you shouldn't have that many horses with you yet that those extra should hurt.

One guy can manage one horse in inventory. If you have two, there is an instant -2.00 Herd penalty applied to movement speed. For an early game party of 3-5, it definitely hurts their move speed.
-2 for an extra sumpter horse or riding ? but yeah that seems a bit to steep i guess, I havent fiddling around to much with the herd right now but since youre an reg Khuz and heard it also from an expert trader it seems like an problem for sure since i take your words for it

How ever my cav units are doing 7.9 in woods now with decent scout and no horse speed perks so idk if they thought about the whole balancing thing
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