Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft[Android version out!]

Favourite Hero

  • Paladin

    Votes: 9 10.6%
  • Shaman

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • Hunter

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Priest

    Votes: 15 17.6%
  • Mage

    Votes: 14 16.5%
  • Warrior

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • Druid

    Votes: 11 12.9%
  • Rogue

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • Warlock

    Votes: 11 12.9%

  • Total voters

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Gonna be interesting to see how blizzard deals with this. Meanwhile I'm enjoying arena, and my old priest deck still wrecks face at lower ranks at least.
I have just about every card (minus some legendaries that never see play) without spending any money, and I don't play a ridiculous amount by any means.
The problem is that I prefer playing ranked to arena, but I feel obliged to play arena to keep up with the new cards... which I barely use because I mostly play arena!

It feels like playing ranked is a reward for enduring enough arena but that they intended it to be the other way around.

Then there's the fact that the seasons reset so often, I spend most of my time in ranked destroying bad players just to get a few enjoyable games before the season ends again.
I made both cancer hunter and zoo decks and got to rank 10-8 with like 2 losses both times. Then I tried playing with my own Mage deck but I obviously lack 3-5 must-be legendaries  which every single control deck is revolved around and gave up.

This game went down the ****ter when GvG and Naxx were released and Blizzard gets away with it because people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars just for starting out.
Like most people, I think you all take this game way too seriously. I don't know how Blizzard games always manage to get these super grognardy wanna-be e-sports communities.
Jock said:
This game went down the ****ter when GvG and Naxx were released and Blizzard gets away with it because people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars just for starting out.
Oh no, how ****ing dare they release new cards after everyone's had most of the base set for months! What's worse, having a larger selection of cards could eventually actually solve the issues with the lack of cheaper viable decks. Now wouldn't that be dreadful? :lol:

It feels like playing ranked is a reward for enduring enough arena but that they intended it to be the other way around.
Here's a problem I can actually relate to, though, without being sarcastic. I think it would be less so if I could be arsed to keep doing the dailies consistently, but I tend to just play the game for a week every couple months and then drop it entirely, so I end having to grind arena to get a few new legendaries for decks I want to make every time. Also an issue with me being extremely picky with the decks I play.
SootShade said:
Oh no, how ****ing dare they release new cards after everyone's had most of the base set for months!
And I take it your source for these statistics is the good old "everyone knows"?

What's worse, having a larger selection of cards could eventually actually solve the issues with the lack of cheaper viable decks. Now wouldn't that be dreadful? :lol:
Could? Yes, potentially. Has? Nope. In fact it's done the exact opposite and made it worse.
Austupaio said:
Like most people, I think you all take this game way too seriously. I don't know how Blizzard games always manage to get these super grognardy wanna-be e-sports communities.
Eh, it's actually the opposite of taking it seriously as it's a problem for casual players, the problem is that you can't play the most fun part of the game and have any success, Constructed, where you make your own deck based on the cards you own, because without grinding the hell out of arena for card packs and coins and/or spending money, you won't win versus anyone past a certain rank, as it's all based around cookie-cutter superior decks of people who own all the cards you won't stand a chance against with an awkward mix-in of cards.

It essentially shutted me out of the game entirely as I really hate Arena.

And come on SootShade, as RW said, the expansions just made the problem huge for every casual player. Before, it was possible to accumulate and craft some top tier versatile cards and cheap, top tier decks, even for casuals. It's just impossible to keep up now.
The more cards there are, the more cards you need in your collection to keep up with the constantly changing meta in order to actually achieve anything. Casual or not, losing isn't fun.
Now that you can only get GvG cards from Arena, having the basic collection cards is going to be even more of a nuisance for new players.
I feel they could have easily prevented this problem by increasing the amount of gold you get for playing the game. What they did is they increased the number of cards you need to have but didn't increase the pace at which you get them, so they effectively increased the amount of grinding it takes to be able to construct a viable deck. Like Harkon said, early on it wasn't too hard to get the cards you needed. Now it takes forever. They need to take a good hard look at either increasing gold rewards or increasing the amount of dust you get for disenchanting cards.
The problem is that they don't 'need' to do anything that will make getting gold easier. They know they can get away with making the game more expensive and as long as people keep buying packs and arena entrances, they won't do anything.
Although it has been discussed tons on their forums and Reddit.

One solution is obviously to have more quests, especially those that don't revolve around winning an x amount of games. They could of course increase the gold you get from 3 wins by more than a measly ten as well, although it seems unlikely.
Well yeah, that's true. There's what, five of us *****ing about it here? Meanwhile millions of people are happily playing and paying for the game. You can't make everyone happy. But I still find it very strange that what's supposed to be a fun, casual game that you play on your tablet during lunch break or while you're on the toilet requires such a huge commitment in time or money.
Well pretty much the entire Hearthstone sub-reddit *****es about it daily. But yeah, for every one that doesn't pull out their credit card and spend his month's wage on the game, there's probably half a dozen who do.
Power creep has to be a thing. How else would they sell new cards to people if they weren't more powerful than old cards?
Dr Boom and Sneed's, amongst others...
There's no power creep in HS, honest.

Before GvG, one could at least hope that getting Alexstrasza, Cairne and Sylvanas, along with a couple of Brawls and another Shield Slam could actually happen in less than a thousand years. After GvG and the pack separation, I don't even want to spend gold on vanilla packs anymore. Grinding Arena? Great, but it leaves a bitter taste after you get trounced over and over and over again against people with legendaries or five Frostbolts and Flamecannons, whilst your only epic is a Doomsayer taken out of necessity. Let's do some ladder then, right? Sure, I had an awesome time climbing from rank 22 to rank 18 with my silence-priest "anti-meta" deck last month, and it worked like a charm, until I got to rank 17 and people started playing good decks. When I see control warrior, my head legitimately starts hurting. I mean, c'mon, how can a guy use an Execute on a ****ing Ancient Watcher that's just sitting there on turn 2 (and I don't even have activators in my hand) and still win in the end?! Well, I want to try that out too and see if it is as good as it seems... oh, wait, I've not got the vanilla legendaries I need for it to work.
Getting any reasonable progression starts to feel more like a chore than anything else. Also, my GvG epics are a Dark Wispers, a Shadowbomber, and a Hobgoblin... when all the fun-looking Priest decks use stuff like the recombobulators and shadowboxers, both of which I do not possess. Damn it, game, I was playing Priest before it was cool, and now you gate me?!...

At this point, I'd rather play a match of Battlefield 4 if I've got 15 minutes to spare, or some Divinity if I've got more time. But that isn't a thing all too often anyways...
Ringwraith #5 said:
Power creep has to be a thing. How else would they sell new cards to people if they weren't more powerful than old cards?
By adding new balanced cards that are simply different from older ones, not just better?
Part of the problem there is that regardless whether or not they are powerful, the average player doesn't decide that, they just follow the 'meta' and copy a deck off the internet, so it's really up to the grognards to decide if something is 'better' or not.
Scully said:
Ringwraith #5 said:
Power creep has to be a thing. How else would they sell new cards to people if they weren't more powerful than old cards?
By adding new balanced cards that are simply different from older ones, not just better?
Why would anyone be forced to buy them then, if not for power creep? As the updates and new cards come out, Blizzard ensures that you must keep up with them. You need to complete at least four Naxx quarters to have a top tier deck, you need at least two to three legendaries plus a class specific one to play any of the control decks.

I've played with some pauses since the beta and at the moment I have Toshley, Ragnaros and... that's it. I also disenchanted The Beast and Nat Pagle, but the fact remains they're all  pretty mid-tier legendaries that don't benefit me. I need Dr.Boom and Archmage just to play the 'cheap' aggro mech-mage.

And the best part is when people complain that their control warrior gets beaten by zoo or deathrattle hunter. Too bad when they're the only two decks F2P players can afford.
Frankly I think Blizzard has done a fairly good job of not allowing too much power-creep. With the obvious exception of Dr. Boom, how many GvG cards are really essential?

Zoo, handlock, control warrior, ramp druid, hunter... all pretty much the same as they were before GvG, and some of the strongest decks in the game.

And a lot of the cards they did add are awesome. Paladin is totally revitalized, and Rogue and Hunter got some control-ish cards to try and make new deck types work, etc.

Besides, what's the alternative? Never releasing new cards? Sounds like fun...
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