Haven and Hearth

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Or you could not suck and go find some wild hemp and flax and just plant them and when you harvest them gather the plant fibers which you can use for the same thing.
The server is down again and thanks to lag I'm most likely going to find myself dead because of hunger  :sad:.
The weekend probably won't help when it comes to reduce lag :lol:
Nah, it'sworse than yesterday. sure. But before I actually donated some money I won't start complaining.
I stole looted a iron plower somewhere  :grin:, it's at the village centre ish place inside my cabin, feel free to use it, but return it there afterwards.
I started yesterday and used a whack of LP in skills. Hopefully Im not dead when I get back on. I dont know how that works. Does hunger go down while Im not playing?
Nope. It's a complete stasis. If you're sleeping in a bed you'Re regenarting travel weariness, but that's about it. Err, maybe stamina as well. It would make sense at least, but I never bothered to check.
Got mine working, something one of the devs said gave me an idea and it worked.

If you get that error I had, turn auto detect proxy settings off in FF. No idea why that'd cause it (Because the network doesn't have a proxy - I set it up), but it did.

New problem: ****ing sky internet is too slow for me to play it. Jesus, this is supposed to get FASTEr when you get closer to the exchange, not 80something times slower. It was only two miles difference :sad:
Much better. Could easily play it. But I won't because I'm tired. Just a heads up, I spawned next to a house, somehow turned something about criminal acts on, and went for a kip inside said house. Haven't taken anything. if It helps, theres a jar outside with a load of bones, and some cabinets inside full of chickens of varying deadness.
Cart, half boat and cabin in 1 day :cool: Tomorrow I'll make my backpack: I was running behind those bunnies until I realized I had no slots for them  :lol:
We need a pr0 farmer there, so many uses for those plants.
I'm specializing my attributes in farming and cooking. I think we could use some hunters/foragers specializing in exploration, survival, and combat as well. We also need a Lawspeaker in order to claim village territory. For whoever raises the 20,000 LP required to purchase this skill, I think having the final say on the village name is a fair incentive.

I would suggest someone specializing in exploration to look into prospecting for mines, since we'll really need metal in the future.
I plan on being one of the foragers. Gonna be working on that stuff in a couple days, just getting the feel for the game first. Also as far as I have read, I need perception.

Also I am Snoopy, if it is not obvious enough haha.
I'm looking at being a hunter/explorer/woodsman type, so I'll pick up a few marksmanship levels on the way. Still in someones house though, sleeping. Didnt have a clue what to do.

Don't kill me :wink:
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