Has anyone found a complete unit breakdown?

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I could care less about stats of each troop, but that would be awesome.
Mainly my problem is when I go to a commander to recruit I don't know what half the units are. I really don't know **** about this time period. For example, right now I trying to figure out what the hell a Zolnier is and whether I want to recruit some. I'm trying to navigate the russian site of http://rusmnb.ru/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.120 but it keeps timing out in google translate and babblefish.
That's what they are:

Zolnier means soldier, main troops for Poland.

There is a good guide for Crimean troops. http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,172892.0.html

If you don't mind using google translate:
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