In Progress Game wont start

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I had the problem on Windows 7 with Could not load file or assembly 'TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.ViewModelCollection, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. error in logs. Bannerlord.exe would do nothing, Bannerlord.native.exe would show cursor and a screen for a few seconds then crash with no error presented.

Solution that worked for me: From the main bannerlord directory, zip the bin directory, right click the zip, properties, and choose 'unblock' if it's present (if its not there just proceed), then extract the zip in place and overwrite the files (i used winrar for this). then do the same for

What I mean by zipping/unzipping:

The problem is that for some reason the drive I have it installed on, .NET thinks it's a remote / untrusted source so none of the assemblies load due to security policy. These assemblies need to be unblocked before they will be loaded, you can right click an individual dll and choose unblock. Zipping and unzipping, as described above, removes the block on multiple files easily.

Devs could possibly fix this by changing Assembly.LoadFrom to Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom in the submodule loader and the library Starter. Also devs if you're reading... this was annoying to debug because you have a Console.ReadKey in your exception handler which itself throws an exception (due to redirected stdio) so the original useful error message about loading remote sources gets lost and never logged.
Thank you man that work with me :grin:
There any comment or news about this problem from devs? I can play only with native.exe
The same here. Current status 1.3.0 Beta. Launcher does not start. It is possible to start with Bannerlord.exe, but the game crashes almost immediately, e.g. while switching from map to battle.
Bannerlord.Native.exe however works quite fine.

Can anyone tell what is the difference between regular and native exe?
Hey guys. I have another mysterious one for you all (and the devs to scratch they're heads).
Betas 1.3 and 1.4 are no-go for me rig :sad: While i didn't put very much effort in finding the cause on 1.3, and just rolled back to 1.2, this time it's different.
To keep story short: If I try to launch the usual way from steam - it crashes with report. If I try to launch bannerlord.exe - same. But I managed to launch Bannerlord.Native.exe, and get past the error, by clicking away from the windows while it launches. The error (crash handler named *_*) pops up, event twice, but game's windows in background stays and game loads up to main menu. This isn't 100% working, but it worked 2 out of 4 times i tried. Registered here just to let you all know. Hope this helps someone.
For the devs: I uploaded the crashes, ofc. Yeah, that one idiot using windows server 2012r2 to run this game.
Still can't run the launcher... which means no multi and no mods. I've been making a bunch of custom banners, but I can't test them, since I need a mod to paste them into the editor now. Feels a bit silly that I can run the game with full settings, max battles and no stutter, yet the simple launcher window somehow can't launch itself.
Guys, I found a solution for WHITE SCREEN WITH CURSOR and VALIDMATERIALS (FILE) game crash ON LAUNCH.
- Find Bannerlord crash_log file which is on C:/ProgramData/Mount&Blade.... path. And if last operations look like that:

Loading xml file: $BASE/Modules/Native/TileSets/ValidMaterials.xml.
Loading packages ...
Packages Loaded in : 0.068053
Registering items...
Unable to find item to add dependency(depender empire_helmet_a)
Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_a)
Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_b)
Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_b_converted_slim)
Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_b_converted_slim)
Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_a_converted_slim)
Unable to find item to add dependency(depender plated_leather_armor_a_converted_slim)

You should do these steps:
1. Find "BannerlordIgnoredResourceFiles.xml - (SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Mount & Blade Bannerlord/Modules/Native/TileSets)
2. Then paste items unable to find in the registration process to the list of ignored files in the way like others are (I don't have a screen shot on this PC).
("empire_helmet_a" and "plated_leather_armor_a" should be enough to run the game.

IMPORTANT: White screen when loading won't change but after moment game will launch properly.
Small update here. Since 1.4.2 beta i can now see the startup menu. During the gameplay, if not playing on native it crashes when leaving village, battlefield, etc. or when I open saved games.
Another update here. I believe since 1.4.3 crashing problem is fixed.

Additionally from the very beginning I had an issue with not saving game properties. In my case the issue was Windows 10 Defender related. It blocks an access to Documents for third party programs so that they do not have rights to save anything there. The game was therefore crashing, e.g., while trying to preview saved games.
The solution of this issue is to add Bannerlord.exe into the exception list, as written here:

It should be also seen in Recently blocked apps.

Maybe this will help to anyone.
After a long hiatus, I reinstalled with the latest patch today. Still won't launch.

I appreciate that it's still Early Access, but this seems like a pretty serious problem to leave hanging for over a year.
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