Future Features for Bannerlord

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FUTURE FEATURES FOR Mount and Blade : Bannerlord
(before reading this post, keep in mind that TaleWorlds are hard at work fixing the main glitches, bugs and crashes, much appreciation towards them for daily patches)

After the early-access release of Bannerlord, most of us we're quick to play as soon as possible. Many veterans from Warband playing the game realized that some features didn't get featured in early-access. Features from Warband, such as ''faction feasts'' haven't made it yet. Most players think that TaleWorlds released in early-access just to fix bugs but that is not the case!

This post was purposely made for players to talk about upcoming features of Bannerlord that the devs have announced. If any of you know some features that are coming in the near future, or know other threads and posts that talk about the topic be sure to reply to this post!

thanks for reading, James?​
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