Floris Improved Mod Pack - Fazendo A tradução...

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Grandmaster Knight
Olha gente, esse é um minimod que eu fiz para o Floris Expanded Mod Pack, eu vou postar aqui os arquivos de lingua em portugues BR.

pagina do mod: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,175315.0.html

Ok, esse é um minimod para o FEMP 2.41a, ele adiciona todos os meus minimods daqui e melhora eles um pouco. Eu vou tentar faze-lo o mais livre de bugs e a versão 0.4 ja esta pronta pra download. Ele também adiciona alguns minimods vindos daqui. Eu sei que pode parecer um pouco desbalanceado, mas é por isso que a maioria das opções estão desligadas pelo padrão.

Todos os bugs devem ser relatados aqui, não incomodem o time do Floris Expanded Mod Pack com os meus erros, eles não tem nada a ver com esse mod.
Alem disso, leiam todo esse post antes de postar algum bug.

DOWNLOAD da versão 0.4

DOWNLOAD da versão 0.53 beta
Se alguem quiser me ajudar a procurar os bugs, use essa versão.

Pagina no ModDB
Pagina no forum do Paradox

Canal no Mibbit (chat)
Eu estou ON agora la.

Como instalar:
1) Faça uma copia da pasta ...Warband\Modules\Floris Expanded Mod Pack\
2) Renomeie a copia para alguma coisa obvia (exemplo: Floris Improved)
3) Unzipe os arquivos na nova pasta
4) Faça uma copia da pasta ...\Documents\Mount&Blade Warband Savegames\Floris Expanded Mod Pack\
5) Renomeie-a com o mesmo nome que a outra (exemplo: Floris Improved)
6) Jogue!
1) Unzipe os arquivos na pasta ...Warband\Modules\Floris Expanded Mod Pack\
2) Jogue!
Instalar sobre o FEMP não é recomendado porque meu mod ainda é um pouco bugado.

Novas Features:
Verde= Na versão (0.4)
Laranja = Na versão beta (0.53)
Vermelho = Na proxima versão (0.54)
Obs:Eu coloquei links para o que não fui eu que fiz.

Lista detalhada de Features(não traduzi ainda):
  • Extra WP points for each level (can be customized in camp menu):
    adds extra Weapon Proficience points each level to all heros.
    those are unassigned points, just like those you gain when you level up.
    you can set the amount of extra WP points in the camp menu.
  • Mercenary Escort:
    you can find a "Mercenary Leader" just like any mercenary in the taverns, but instead of recruiting him for your party, he offers to escort you for a while.
  • Apointed regulars as companions:
    After a great battle, you can appoint one of your regulars as an hero.
    You can appoint up to 50 heros.
  • Wagon System:
    In the camp menu, you can build Wagons or Two welled carts and assign Oxen teams, Horses or prisioners to them.
  • Entertainment skill:
    Adds a new skill wich allows the player to play songs in towns to increase bardic renown and make denars. It also allows to make speeches to increase renown and right to rule. There is the option to beg for some denars in the streets. While camping or waiting in settlements, your heroes and you increase party morale using this skill.
  • Shield Bash:
    Players and AI get the ability to semi-heroically shield-bash enemies to their front, holding defend and pressing the atack key, which results in a small move backwards and a brief stun state, with a little damage.
  • Endurance Skill:
    Adds a new skill and adds an option to march/run at world map. When one troop in the party gets tired the party stops and then it has to rest.
    Adds the option to sprint in battles.
    You have to keep the buttom down.
    Default buttom is left Alt
  • Ikaguia Banner Pack:
    Adds some new nice banners to the game.
  • New Character Window to fit the new skills:
    I made a new Character Window because the old one was confliting with the new skills.
  • Flipping coins with tavern keepers:
    Adds the possibility to flip coins with the tavern keepers.
  • Lords Equipment:
    Adds the Possibility to equip your vassals
  • New Cheats:
    Adds new cheats like force lord to join kingdom. And the Teleportation (in-battle)
  • Health Regen:
    Kings regenerates 5% of their lives per second, Lords 3%, other heroes 2% and regulars 1/2%. Player regenerates the amount set in options menu. You can disable regulars &/or hero regeneration.
  • Custom Banners:
    Adds the option to make your own custom banner(in-game).
  • Wife as Companion:
    Adds the option to take your wife as an companion.
  • Hire Manhunters:
    Adds an option to hire the manhunters as mercenaries if honor is high enought.
  • Volley Fire:
    Adds an option to order you troops to all fire at the same time.
  • Simple Loot System (optional):
    An alternative loot system wich can be enabled/disabled via camp options.
  • Fancy Damage System(optional):
    An alternative damage system wich can be enabled/disabled via camp options.
  • Simplified KeyConfig Presentation:
    An easier way to set the custom keys.
  • Combat Abilities:
    • Horse whistle: you can call any horse if you have enough charisma, and if you have even more charisma you can call multiple ones, and possibly create a small stampede.
    • Taunt: good for getting circling horse archers to try and melee you, or distracting some infantry charging at your archers so they can take more fire. More charisma allows to taunt more enemies for a short period.
    • Warcry: scares away enemies surrounding you that are lower level than twice your level for a short period. Very good for getting out of a tough spot as an infantryman (and followed by Sprint), or scattering an infantry line as you charge them on foot or horse.
    • First aid; allows you to heal a small number of hitpoints in battle, higher with more intelligence and first aid skill. Good to mitigate the effects of random arrows hitting your head and making high intelligence character more viable.
    • Battlecry: recovers percentage of your wounded troops' life, and looks and sounds great.
    • Rage
    • Sprint
    • Focus
  • Theoris Decapitation:
    If you kill your enemies with a strong hit in the neck, they'll lose theyr heads and a lot of blood will fly out of the whole. No head will "jump" out of their heads yet.
  • Heal horses/troops:
    This will allow you to heal your troops & horses via the "inspect camp" using some medicinal herbs. Lower wound treatment increases wait time, herbs necessary, wound chance and decrease health gained.
  • New buildings:
    • "Blacksmith" (castles): double the amount of arrows the defenders get and enables the Smith, a person who can make new items for you.
    • "School -> University - > Library" (towns)
      • School: increase the prosperity of the town and your relation with it each month.
      • University: demolishes Scholl and increase the prosperity of the town and your relation with it each week.
      • Library: don't demolishes the University, demolishes Scholl and increase the prosperity of the town and your relation with it each week and enables the Library master, a person who lend you books for a price (cheaper tha buy new books).
  • Extended Prisoner Chat:
    * New, extended Prisoner Chat
    * Ability to persuade prisoners to join you directly
    * Ability to set them free
    * Ability to murder regular prisoners
    * Ability to taunt nobles
    * Ability to let nobles go, with a gain to honor and relation
    * Ability to kill nobles (kings included) permanently in-game.(edited: now their sons/grandsons will take their places(otherwise player would be able to kill all nobles))
  • Wound/Recovery Scheme:
    Uppon getting knocked out, all heroes from player party get a small chance of getting wounded:
    • Light Wounds(25% chance)
      • cut on the arm. (-1 strength)
      • cut on thetorso. (-1 strength, -1 agility)
      • blow to the head. (-1 intelligence)
      • cut in the head. (-1 charisma)
      • blow in the leg. (-1 agility)
    • Heavy Wounds(25% chance)
      • broken arm. (-3 strength, -1 power strike, -1 power draw)")
      • broken rib. (-2 strength, -2 agility, -1 ironflesh)
      • heavy blow to the head. (-2 intelligence, -1 leadership, -1 tactics)
      • broken leg. (-3 agility, -1 athletics, -1 riding)
    After Some time, the wound heals and the stats are recovered, but if you get wounded again before healing, just the second wound will heal.
  • Bards Play Songs:
    This will allow your character to ask bards to play some songs for 10 denars.
  • Outposts Kit:
    It allows you to:
    • Build two outposts anywhere on the map
    • Build a Fort anywhere on the map
    • Walk around the outposts and fort
    • Enlist patrols that protect the outpost and the region
    • Upgrade the outposts, giving them better defences and allowing patrol upgrades
    • Upgrade the patrols (only after upgrading outposts), thus making them stronger Still not working
    • Customise a big of the part of the script easy and simple
  • Fog Of War:
    At first, everything on the map would be hidden, and as you  explore or buy a map, you'll eventually uncover the whole map.
    • Troop Ratio Bar:
      In battle, the Troop Ratio Bar displays the amount of troops remaining for each participating side in battle (green for your troops, blue for allied troops, and red for enemy troops).
      • Minesweeper:
        This allows you to play minesweeper whenever you want via "camp -> actions -> play minesweeper". You won't get anything for playing this, it's just for fun.
#FIMP <version>
#FIMP <version> BEGIN
#FIMP <version> END
# Floris Improved Mod Pack (FIMP) <version> begin ->																	#
# Floris Improved Mod Pack (FIMP) <version> end <-																	#
obs: <version> é a versão em que as mudanças foram feitas, não a atual.

Bugs conhecidos para a versão 0.4:
  • Algumas veses voce fica lento no mapa, clique com o botão direito em voce mesmo e selecione velocidade normal. Se isso não solucionar o problema, isso não é um bug, seus soldados estão cansados e voce deve descansar um pouco.
  • As vezes voce não é redirecionado para o menu das musicas após terminar de tocar or não ganha nenhum dinheiro
  • Quando fazendo seus soldados herois, eles não ganham os items que estavam equipados.

Mudanças nas versões:
  • A tela de ajuda das abilidades mostrava as teclas erradas
  • Algumas opções não salvavam.
  • Voce tinha que começar um novo jogo para fazer tudo funcionar direito.
  • Bater com o escudo
  • Nova skill: Resistencia
  • Corrida!
  • Escolta de mercenarios
  • Soldados como Herois
  • Sistema de Vagões
  • Nova skill: Entertenimento
Initial release, it has:
  • Pontos de arma extra por level
  • Escolta de mercenarios
  • Soldados como Herois (can be customized in camp menu)
  • Sistema de Vagões
  • Nova skill: Entertenimento

Voce gosta da novo plano de fundo da tela character?

Sim - 6 (85.7%)
Não - 1 (14.3%)

Numero de membros que votaram: 7
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