Feif ownership votes are extremely broken

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After pledging to Derthert of Vlandia I was thrust into a war on three fronts.
I joined an army on a whim and helped besiege 3 castles and 2 cities in the north.
Eventually the time came where I was to be given my first (and usually only) fief to ensure my loyalty.
To my extreme surprise, I was given Varcheg instead of an insignificant castle.
I knew it would be tough to hold.
Luckily my 40 Sergeants and I were prepared.

It was a long war with the Sturgians.
My 100 men and I fended off 4 raiding parties and captured each leader responsible for their transgression.
The garrison was bolstered, the lime kilns were being built, and my very talented governor (an old friend I picked up early) was doing an excellent job.
Then we saw it... a 400 man army led by Raganvad himself.
In a flurry I stripped the garrison of all viable field soldiers, secured my POWs, evacuated the governor, and pulled back to a safe spot to muster an army.
But to my abject horror, the closest available party was 3 days from me.
The war with the Battanians and the Aserai must be going poorly.

So we wait.
Agonizingly I watch the men I left in the city to die be whittled down bit by bit.
The battle ended with only 50 casualties to Raganvad's army, in a siege no less. He truly is worthy of his title.
But that's when he makes a critical mistake: He stations a full 100 men inside the city.
100 vs 250? dismal, but possible in my experience on open ground with excellent tactics and my Sergeant killsquad.

We lost almost three quarters of our party in the ensuing battle, but a few lucky bowshots to commanders left their troops in disarray.
While mopping up the prisoners I couldn't help smile at the Sturgian king in my prisoner camp, along with 8 of his commanders.
Now the real challenge would begin. 25 men wasn't enough for a siege, but with 50 wounded I only needed time.
Time was not afforded to me however, and soon 2 more commanders with 150 troops barreled down on my position.
Understandable, what with Raganvad as a prisoner.
A final stand on a hill surprisingly turned out to be almost a complete wipe for the Sturgians, due to a disproportionately high cavalry amongst my enemies (their available troops must be dwindling)
With 2 more commanders in my camp the siege continued unabated.

Those poor militia.
My crazed, manic sergeants climbed over the walls with wild abandon and slaughtered the pitiful garrison with 20 kills to a man.
Atop a pile of bodies and almost 300 prisoners released without the ability to hold them, I had finally retaken the only thing I've ever owned in this life, all by myself.
The ownership then passed to Derthert, which is standard procedure even when a castle was recently retaken.
I send a number of messages to and from Derthert to find that Catalid, who was nowhere near these battles, was the presumptive choice.
It looks like I'll have to spend all 300 influence I earned on claiming what was rightfully mine, but I didn't mind... All I wanted was what I fought for.
Then I recieved word.
Vercheg was claimed by Derthert himself who held 0% support.

I immediately ALT+F4'd
There's no way that's intended behavior.
After pledging to Derthert of Vlandia
See - this was the first mistake you made

But in all seriousness, I think that it would be interesting if they could implement a system where if a castle/town was recaptured by the previous faction it belonged to within a certain time-frame other lords would automatically vote to restore lands to the previous owner, given they don't have negative relations with them. In my mind this would work similar to the CK II mechanic of having a strong claim over a title, and subsequent generations (or in this case after a certain amount of game days) where the land is not in your direct control the claim gets weaker and eventually disappears.

This sort of "claimant" type system for lands would at the very least ensure that when recaptured the player or whoever the previous lord of the fief was would at least be guaranteed a shot (being on the ballot) for getting their land back, and hopefully the ruler would consider all of these factors when making a decision.
At the moment fief allocation feels almost random. It has been stated that this part of the game is largely placeholder so I'm sure we'll see a lot of improvements over time, but that's cold comfort when you've immersed yourself through an epic experience like this story, only to be slapped in the face at the end.

Bummer dude.
I feel with you, I expirienced the same once. After that I watched the fief lottery more closely. It seems clans witthout fiefs have some priority and it also seems that whenever the faction leader is in the list, he will claim it most of the time...no matter the votes. Other than that its hard to tell how the game makes up that selection of three...somtimes I have the feeling that certain clans are nearly always in, resulting in them getting a lot more fiefs than everyone else.
Helping to besiege something or even taking it all by yourself seems to have little to no effect to get a place there sadly.
And yes, recapturing something that was yours, should make it yours again I think. At least if it was done in time....
After pledging to Derthert of Vlandia I was thrust into a war on three fronts.
I joined an army on a whim and helped besiege 3 castles and 2 cities in the north.
Eventually the time came where I was to be given my first (and usually only) fief to ensure my loyalty.
To my extreme surprise, I was given Varcheg instead of an insignificant castle.
I knew it would be tough to hold.
Luckily my 40 Sergeants and I were prepared.

It was a long war with the Sturgians.
My 100 men and I fended off 4 raiding parties and captured each leader responsible for their transgression.
The garrison was bolstered, the lime kilns were being built, and my very talented governor (an old friend I picked up early) was doing an excellent job.
Then we saw it... a 400 man army led by Raganvad himself.
In a flurry I stripped the garrison of all viable field soldiers, secured my POWs, evacuated the governor, and pulled back to a safe spot to muster an army.
But to my abject horror, the closest available party was 3 days from me.
The war with the Battanians and the Aserai must be going poorly.

So we wait.
Agonizingly I watch the men I left in the city to die be whittled down bit by bit.
The battle ended with only 50 casualties to Raganvad's army, in a siege no less. He truly is worthy of his title.
But that's when he makes a critical mistake: He stations a full 100 men inside the city.
100 vs 250? dismal, but possible in my experience on open ground with excellent tactics and my Sergeant killsquad.

We lost almost three quarters of our party in the ensuing battle, but a few lucky bowshots to commanders left their troops in disarray.
While mopping up the prisoners I couldn't help smile at the Sturgian king in my prisoner camp, along with 8 of his commanders.
Now the real challenge would begin. 25 men wasn't enough for a siege, but with 50 wounded I only needed time.
Time was not afforded to me however, and soon 2 more commanders with 150 troops barreled down on my position.
Understandable, what with Raganvad as a prisoner.
A final stand on a hill surprisingly turned out to be almost a complete wipe for the Sturgians, due to a disproportionately high cavalry amongst my enemies (their available troops must be dwindling)
With 2 more commanders in my camp the siege continued unabated.

Those poor militia.
My crazed, manic sergeants climbed over the walls with wild abandon and slaughtered the pitiful garrison with 20 kills to a man.
Atop a pile of bodies and almost 300 prisoners released without the ability to hold them, I had finally retaken the only thing I've ever owned in this life, all by myself.
The ownership then passed to Derthert, which is standard procedure even when a castle was recently retaken.
I send a number of messages to and from Derthert to find that Catalid, who was nowhere near these battles, was the presumptive choice.
It looks like I'll have to spend all 300 influence I earned on claiming what was rightfully mine, but I didn't mind... All I wanted was what I fought for.
Then I recieved word.
Vercheg was claimed by Derthert himself who held 0% support.

I immediately ALT+F4'd
There's no way that's intended behavior.

The problem is that when You lost the city You also lost relations with Derthert. There is a mechanic that drops relations with king for vassals that lose fiefs.
About voting. If You have 2 Lords with close to 50% support each the King will chose the third option. I got a few fiefs this way. Me and one of the lords had 0% support and third one had 100%. I voted for the other guy which have him 50% and king gave the fief to me when I had 0%.
the whole system is a pile of garbage.

Remove the 3 person limit in the ballot or if we keep it, the guy who lead the siege should always be on it.
Claims should be a thing, if someone lost a fief and it is recptured he should be on the ballot.
Being able to forge claims could also be a thing.
If you initiate a vote for a fief change, you should be on the ****ing ballot.
Thanks for the responses.
I definitely understand much more than I let on about the underlying mechanics at play that led to the result, but the play experience was unusually immersive only to be dumped on by a missing system.
I simply felt it was best to most accurately describe my experience, to emphasize that this ought to eventually be implemented in a way that works in favor of these emergent stories.
Of course I lost face when the city I was entrusted with fell, but I wasn't going to win that seige.
In the end Derthert lost nothing, the city was under Vlandian control again in a matter if days, and I was specific about enumerating the number of high-profile prisoners that I had accrued, each of which ought to relieve pressure on one front of Derthert's war.
Time since the loss of the city, solo responsibility retake, mass POW acquisition, these are all things that ought to be added into account.
I simply felt I had experienced something that put that on display in the specifics rather well.
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