Exploit: Bankrupting lords with barter mechanic

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Grandmaster Knight
Hello, I just saw this video in which the player is able to take all the money from a lord of a faction he is in peace with by the moment (but he plans to start a war soon) by using the barter mechanic and giving to him some good crafted weapons:

You can see this exploit right in the first minutes of the video. I guess this should not be allowed and lords should never accept a barter that makes them go bankrupt, no matter how good the offer is (maybe unless you are giving him a fief, in which case he would be able to use this fief to recover the money I guess).
Smithing needs to be deleted. We're not mature enough to not make millions off of javlines and bankrupt Calradia.
Add an NPC to make custom weapons!
Get parts as rare loot and reward!
I'm not kidding this would be much funner then grinding endlessly to unlock part.
I don't even do it because I think just crafting weapons bloats the .sav and causes lag.
He is in a new play threw and has not done it again. I think that play threw he could not finish I think they would make war and peace like minutes later.
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