Elder Scrolls 5:Skyrim

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Dryvus said:
Nahkuri said:
That's not what Requiem does at all, though.

What does it do, exactly?

This is an oversimplification, but it makes everything far more deadly. You will die very quickly if you just stand there spamming attack like in regular Skerm. Blocking/dodging/tanking with heavy armour is super essential if you intend to survive. Fortunately, enemies will die very quickly too when you know how to use your weapons. Low level bandits will go down with 1-3 arrows even if you don't have any perks invested in archery.
So my card is a nvidia Gforce GTS 650
I have 8 gig rams
quad core processor 3,00 ghz
Win 10.

I should be running this at ultra.
But the shadow made my FPS drop so i had to lower shadow.
Everything ran smoother then.

But now there is random shadow flickering every 20 second.
FPS is fine.
But this flickering is annoying.
What should i do?
RabbleKnight said:
So my card is a nvidia Gforce GTS 650
I have 8 gig rams
quad core processor 3,00 ghz
Win 10.

I should be running this at ultra.
But the shadow made my FPS drop so i had to lower shadow.
Everything ran smoother then.

But now there is random shadow flickering every 20 second.
FPS is fine.
But this flickering is annoying.
What should i do?

If I'm thinking of the right thing, the shadows are behaving as intended. They flicker because they update to the sun's position every interval, and its more noticable on low shadow settings. You have to turn shadow settings down because your CPU isn't powerful enough, shadows are all CPU.
Dryvus said:
What does it do, exactly?
As others stated, it makes the game more deadly - both for the player but for the enemies as well. It IS possible to play any character type from level 1 - it's not necessarily easy but it is possible.
I'm a level 26 Dunmer now, mostly casting but some sneaky stuff included as well. I've been 95% caster character throughout - I can kill a skeleton or a ghost with one Sunfire to the face though Draugr take a little more trying. Requiem makes Skyrim more like an old-school RPG. You need silver weapons to harm undead (or magic), trolls need fire to put them down, that kind of stuff. You can bait archers to waste all their arrows which makes them almost harmless. You can bait an heavy armour user to use up all their stamina and then easily disarm and dispatch them. You can use a crossbow to initiate a fight and then switch to melee. But you also have to plan where to put your perks because you cannot make a jack of all trades that shines everywhere. My lass cannot pick pockets or wear heavy armour or block or use bows efficiently or cast alteration spells because I have utterly ignored those trees.

Vanilla Skyrim is easy, bland and boring because, as others correctly said, a more difficult enemy just has more HP, nothing else. Requiem changes that - and of course it removes the level scaling that utterly destroys all challenge and sense of achievement from the game.

RabbleKnight said:
Hagraven are a ***** to kill at level 6.
Get good dude, they are a walk in the park. You're doing the Netherbane quest right? Lure the followers away from the rock and kill them. Wait until her alert level goes down. Sneak up to the fallen tree bridge. Sprint across and hit her in the face with a 2H power attack. She's dead. If not, keep spamming the power attack. If you can't sneak at all, just dodge the fireballs she throws, it's pretty easy - just make sure she has just thrown one before you sprint across the bridge.
Get good dude, they are a walk in the park. You're doing the Netherbane quest right? Lure the followers away from the rock and kill them. Wait until her alert level goes down. Sneak up to the fallen tree bridge. Sprint across and hit her in the face with a 2H power attack. She's dead. If not, keep spamming the power attack. If you can't sneak at all, just dodge the fireballs she throws, it's pretty easy - just make sure she has just thrown one before you sprint across the bridge.

I was around lvl 5-6 when I encountered her as well. It took me a couple of tries but I eventually got to some cover and did the same tactic since my Orc speced in 2H.
My biggest problem with Requiem is that the starter destruction spells are worthless. Rather unrealistic, too given that your firing a stream of flames into a guys face. It should be doing more than pissing them off.
Areze said:
My biggest problem with Requiem is that the starter destruction spells are worthless. Rather unrealistic, too given that your firing a stream of flames into a guys face. It should be doing more than pissing them off.
Scrub. Get good  :grin: The amount of damage depends on your Destruction skill. It's not real fire - it's magical fire and thus how harmful it actually is depends on your magical skill. Yeah, when your Destruction is 10 or lower, it doesn't do that much damage. But even that spell will be useful once your Destruction is higher - and it's so easy to raise. Don't use the crutch of "unrealistic" to hide behind. The traditional wizard has always been weak outside of his prowess with magic - as a starter character your magical prowess is nil so you gotta use your brain. You shouldn't expect to nuke people with your spells at level 1 and skill <10. You gotta work it. Meaning that when you're at level 40 and shoot LASER BEAMS OF DEATH from your hands, it feels ****ing awesome instead of boring.

Here is an EZ-Mode wizard for you: make a Breton since they start with high Conjuration. Put one perk in Conjuration, get ghost wolf. Do nothing in Helgen except summon Ghost Wolf as many times as possible. Don't hesitate to use all the magicka potions you scavenge to ensure to get more conjurations in battle. You won't get skillups outside of combat, mind you. Anyway, with a bit of luck, you should have Conjuration up enough to get the second perk very soon (lvl 2 or lvl 3) which gives you Raise Dead II. This can be used to raise bandits and draugr. Voila, you now have your own meatshield to hide behind and cast destruction spells safely. Find one wearing heavy armour, they last longer and you don't have to re-raise it all the time. You can also have it carry some loot for you.
Jhessail said:
Dryvus said:
What does it do, exactly?
As others stated, it makes the game more deadly - both for the player but for the enemies as well. It IS possible to play any character type from level 1 - it's not necessarily easy but it is possible.
I'm a level 26 Dunmer now, mostly casting but some sneaky stuff included as well. I've been 95% caster character throughout - I can kill a skeleton or a ghost with one Sunfire to the face though Draugr take a little more trying. Requiem makes Skyrim more like an old-school RPG. You need silver weapons to harm undead (or magic), trolls need fire to put them down, that kind of stuff. You can bait archers to waste all their arrows which makes them almost harmless. You can bait an heavy armour user to use up all their stamina and then easily disarm and dispatch them. You can use a crossbow to initiate a fight and then switch to melee. But you also have to plan where to put your perks because you cannot make a jack of all trades that shines everywhere. My lass cannot pick pockets or wear heavy armour or block or use bows efficiently or cast alteration spells because I have utterly ignored those trees.

Vanilla Skyrim is easy, bland and boring because, as others correctly said, a more difficult enemy just has more HP, nothing else. Requiem changes that - and of course it removes the level scaling that utterly destroys all challenge and sense of achievement from the game.
Now you're interesting me.
Jhessail said:
Areze said:
My biggest problem with Requiem is that the starter destruction spells are worthless. Rather unrealistic, too given that your firing a stream of flames into a guys face. It should be doing more than pissing them off.
Scrub. Get good  :grin:


Jhessail said:
*the rest*

Had already gotten to that point. The problem is mostly that being absolutely dependent on conjuration was boring and depended on mana that more often than not I simply didn't have. And the fact that enemies killed the minion too fast to serve as a functional meatshield. I'm not complaining about the wizard being a squishy glass cannon, or even dying in one/two hits. I wouldn't even ask for a major buff to the early game. Reducing the mana cost of the starter stream abilities would be perfectly adequate.

I guess the obnoxiously unforgiving start was a shocker. Bleak Falls Barrow was hell. I'm not to proud to admit I cheesed near the end of that one by hiding behind the word wall and popping out intermittently like a whack-a-mole from the bizarro dimension.
Splintert said:
No. It completely changes the balance of the game and the significance of perks. Even if it was save compatible, you wouldn't want to load a save midgame.
Fair enough. The character I'd been using seems a little weak, anyway, though it could just be that she needs more leveling up. if I do install Requiem, though, I really don't want to have to play the first few ****ing quests over yet again, so I might get an alternate start mod as well. Is there one that you guys recommend? Also, if I do get an alternate start mod, can I still get Fus-Ro-Dah?
Jesus, you never used an alternate start mod before? That's mandatory for Skyrim's replay value, noone ever can tolerate the beggining more than twice at most. Live Another Life is the best, and yes you are still the Dragonborn, you just pop up in a different place all ready to start exploring.
Well, I must be nobody, then, because I don't know how many times I've gone through the beginning quests by now. :lol:

Not that I'm in any hurry to do them again, though, especially since I haven't been playing my current character for very long. Frankly, by now, my attitude is that all the early main quest stuff up until the journey up to High Hrothgar can kinda go bugger itself, to be honest.
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