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Ive seen him causing some trouble, but not enough to make a report. He shot me with a crossbow but we were the only ones on the server,i havent seen him ruining duels or anything yet... not to say he hasn't.
well i am him and i do not, i am a lovely little fella
Sven needs to get punished for longer it seems

He certainly deserves it. Purposefully trying to disturb the duel server testing and therefore the game development, after already coming back from a ban(!), definitely deserves a perma ban, at least from the duel servers. He basically stated, that he isn't interested in the testing of duel servers anyways.
Sven is on a massive rampage every day after his 1 week ban. I've made several reports about him, but he's still at it. He apparently thinks there are not severe enough consequences to deter him from ruining the entire duel server.

I wonder how many times do we have to report him before he will actually get a 10 year ban?

A player killing duellers in duel server? İf there is not a invite-confirm system as in warbands duel system..then this player should get max.15days ban with ıts reason fır each time..not years, not even months.
A player killing duellers in duel server? İf there is not a invite-confirm system as in warbands duel system..then this player should get max.15days ban with ıts reason fır each time..not years, not even months.

Except he has been banned several times already each time he comes back and is clearly not going to stop. Ban him for 10 years and he'll think about it next time.
Except he has been banned several times already each time he comes back and is clearly not going to stop. Ban him for 10 years and he'll think about it next time.

I'm all for giving people chances.... Usually at Ruby's we'd begin with a few hour ban for RDM. Repeat offenders would then get a day ban, then a week ban, etc.

People who broke multiple rules repeatedly were sometimes perma banned. Sometimes those people are a detriment to the game and take value away from the game. There's no place for those kinds of players especially after being given chances.

I think Sven should be banned for a month and if he comes back and does it again, make it a year.
Sven came in today and did attack one guy unprovoked, but otherwise was fairly cool... I chatted with him a bit, he said he was done with RDM'ing. I told him I would support him and back him up if he reformed, which I stand by. But I said that he has to earn the communities trust which is going to be difficult.
Sven came in today and did attack one guy unprovoked, but otherwise was fairly cool... I chatted with him a bit, he said he was done with RDM'ing. I told him I would support him and back him up if he reformed, which I stand by. But I said that he has to earn the communities trust which is going to be difficult.
No, he actively reads forums. He just trying to save his ass after the last posts
No, he actively reads forums. He just trying to save his ass after the last posts

He came in and RDM'd every day for at least 3 days, sometimes for entire game sessions, got banned a week, and came back and was far less disruptive, but still disruptive. If he can find it within himself to change and be cool, I am totally open to forgiving him. Reforming should be incentivised. However, if he regresses and continues to ruin duels and make people leave then I definitely think a harsh ban is in line.

I think somewhere beneath the troll persona is a cool guy who can respect his community and have fun with the rest of us, at least i'd like to think so, maybe i'm naive.
He came in and RDM'd every day for at least 3 days, sometimes for entire game sessions, got banned a week, and came back and was far less disruptive, but still disruptive. If he can find it within himself to change and be cool, I am totally open to forgiving him. Reforming should be incentivised. However, if he regresses and continues to ruin duels and make people leave then I definitely think a harsh ban is in line.

I think somewhere beneath the troll persona is a cool guy who can respect his community and have fun with the rest of us, at least i'd like to think so, maybe i'm naive.
Yesterday while i was playing he was still doing the same ****. Remember this was yesterday.


HM | Abilay Khan openly randoms on the Duel Server. Standing up at the throne, shoots into duels, throws throwing axes.
Evidence for one of the randoming of them below.

İlgilenenler Türk olduğu için direk Türkçe yazıyorum. @MArdA TaleWorlds

Bu Abilay Khan nickli oyuncu geçenlerde aynısını ben ve RM klanındaki diğer arkadaşlarıma da yaptı (defalarca durmadan yaklaşık 30 dakika boyunca). HM klanının Türk Klanı olduğunu bildiğim için oyun içi onunla iletişim kurmaya çalıştım. Türkçe yazarak "Neden böyle yapıyorsun?Burası duel serveri, 750 win badge'i takmışsın daha bunu mu bilmiyorsun?" tarzı şeyler yazdım. Kendisi bana "Benimle ingilizce konuş mongol, dediklerini anlamıyorum. Ben Almanım tarzında şeyler yazarak trollemeye devam etti. HM klanının Türk klanı olduğunu bildiğim ve Abilay Khan'ın profil resminde Eski Türkçe'de TÜRK yazdığı için (Tengri biz menencilerden heralde) kendisinin Türk olduğunu biliyordum. Onu uyarmaya ne kadar devam etsemde doğup doğup bana ve klanımdaki arkadaşlarıma ok sıkmaya devam etti. Türk Bannerlord community'sinin küçük bir community olduğunu bildiğim ve olayları büyütmek istemediğim için steam listemde ekli olan HM | DadFneih'e onu şikayet ettim. Aynı günün akşamı kendisi benim klan arkadaşlarımdan olan Ravien'i ekleyip bunları yazmıştı ve biz anlayışla özürünü kabul etmiştik.

HM | Abilay Khan:
bir şey söyleyeceğim
geçen oyunda
biraz rahatsızlık verdim
kusura bakmayın

[RM] Ravien:
evet çok tilt olduk
önemli degil
community daha yeni
düşman edinmeye gerek yok

HM | Abilay Khan:
bir yakınımı kaybettim sinir oldum öyle takılıyordum
arkadaşından özur dilerim

Fakat ardından 2-3 gün sonra The Bard'ın bana steamde bu HM klanı kimdir nedir tarzı şeyler yazınca benim de sabrım taştı.
[DR] TheBard Sailor Mars:
which clan is HM | ?

tr clan

[DR] TheBard Sailor Mars:
These guys random on the duel server
That guy even have a 750 badge wtf

let me guess
abilay khan

[DR] TheBard Sailor Mars:
do you have any of their leaders on the FL?

really a shame bro

[DR] TheBard Sailor Mars:
I'll report him, but I'd like to tell their leader what their dudes are doing lol

i raged him
They have done it same to me
He needs to banned permanently

[DR] TheBard Sailor Mars:
their leader don't care?
I told any Deutschritter, if he gets caught randoming on Duel, I'll sanction it in the clan.

If you open a forum topic about report

[DR] TheBard Sailor Mars:
I don't need douchebags.

open a report topic
i will vouch for you

[DR] TheBard Sailor Mars:
Yeah, I will.
But... dunno
I've been part of the early dueling scene pre duel mode
you had a death match server set to 1k or 2k gold and you made the upper block greeting good to go
nobody randomed back then


[DR] TheBard Sailor Mars:
He's standing at that throne and shoots down into duels
or throws weapons into duels

When you open the topic
link me
i will write a lot of things

[DR] TheBard Sailor Mars:
any words from their leader?
if he's going to be sanctioned from him I'd not report him, if the leader does not care either, then I go to TW

[17:49]HM | DadFneih: Dönücem oyun sonrası 5 kurucuyuz o da lider yaptıklarının klana sıkıntı yapmayacağını söylüyor zaten konuştum bu konuda ama tekrar söylerim
I am translating
I will tell you after my game
*5 mins later*
We are 5 leaders, abilay khan said "my actions won't bring anything negative to clan"

[DR] TheBard Sailor Mars:
then I go TW

yea just open a report topic
i will support you

[DR] TheBard Sailor Mars:
If they don't care I don't care.

Özetle bu adam olay ilk yaşandığında kendini acındırarak bahanelere girişti fakat ardından muhtemelen arbaletçi doğup milletin oyun zevkini bozmanın zevkine ve tatmin ediciliğine kendini kaptırıp duelde milleti randomlamaya devam etti. Duelden permanently banlanması ve black liste girmesi gerektiğini düşünüyorum.
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HM | Abilay Khan openly randoms on the Duel Server. Standing up at the throne, shoots into duels, throws throwing axes.
Evidence for one of the randoming of them below.

There were atleast 3 days where abilay khan random killed when I was on the server. I was just too lazy to get and upload waterproof evidence.
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