notes/input and additions
* Siege artillery should spawn in reserve. The AI should only deploy artillery when they have 3-4 -this should be based on gov tactic skill or maybe even a calculated score between gov and all with a higher tactic score in the town or castle-
* Minor factions: Their unique troops don't get used enough. Mercenary minor factions don't have T5 units - i strongly believe these factions not only need t5 but they deserve to have some of the highest skilled t5 in the game. hiring these factions should be much more benificial in war than they currently are-
* Multiple Policies are
not functional or poorly balanced. -not only do they need fixed, BUT we need MORE!!! lots more. we also need by-laws. this will bring sooooo much depth to policies.
* Companions: Companions/clan members take too long to learn skills. - i strongly believe we need characters to start with higher stats and focus, or we need stats more often and more focus per level. especially on NPCs.
* Singleplayer Weapons:
Spears are too slow and weak. Glaives do too much damage.
Shields have too much health. Throwing axes are weak. -100% yes about spears, spears need a huge buff. shields have good health, i think its more so damage bonus from axes and thrown weapons especially thrown axes is too low.-
* Troop Trees: Too few troops use braced polearms. Troop trees are not different enough from each other. -almost all pole arms should be able to brace, they just have different breaking points? at which it can no long brace and damage drops?-
* Scenes: Some castle scenes and
60 field battle scenes are still unimplemented. (Many added in 1.5.9 to r1.2.0.) - was super excited to come back to the game and see these were added, but yet... as i have seen a couple new maps... i am still fighting on the same group of maps. definitely not 60-
* Minor Faction bases: Shown in the 2016 demo. A place for minor factions and the player to
recruit unique troops. -was shocked i when i started back in early access and this was not here. we are also missing the ability to build a camp on the map.-
to add,
-like i said, building a camp on the map. being able to be a nomadic traveling clan.
-party priority actualy working. i would also like to tell them the type of troops and counts, and maybe even choose a suggested troop type and tier.
-party commands, getting your parties to recruit troops for you or staying withing a given area, or even sieging and attacking other parties.
-MORE DIPLOMACY!!!!! i want peace treaties with time restraints and negative effects for breaking them. if not alliances due to having small amount of factions... maybe aggression packs? to get another faction to wage war on another faction.
-is a more advanced AI for better decision making and immersion too much to ask for in 2024? inputs into AI to help build a custom story line? Better conversations where you can ask questions and score points towards your conversation that in turn give you exp in traits or high persuasion. all that is probably too much to ask for.
-I want to be able to have better control over my childrens lives. if i suck at responding to growth notices then there is a negative trait mark. if i am good it is positive. i want a time limit on the age growth notice, if i dont click and choose traits than the child or tutor(s) do it for me. i want to be able to have the choice not to hire a tutor, or hire multiple based on my finances so my child can grow to have a head start. or if i have too many i cant afford any education and my children suffer.
-i want to be able to tell a companion, family member, or clan leader what i want them or their clan members to work on skill wise and be able to send them on free roam to work on it. their level of focus and maybe even a modifier could be based on traits like generosity due to the level of loyalty to kin ect.
-i want a better history for each character, clan, faction. maybe base it on class size, reputation, if your; king, merc, vassal.