commandable units

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I would like to be able to command each of the units individually. Meaning that 'archers' (including crossbowmen and mounted archers + those retards throwing rocks), infantry (sword and shield or two handed), guards (guys with poles and spears), and knights could be controlled through the keyboard. Like in so many other games have a small pop up menu that lets you choose the type of soldier then the attack method. The attack method could be the same one that is already implemented, the 1-6 keys.

Unless i'm just retarded and this is already in the game and i can't figure this out on my own. I would love to be able to tell my archers to hold a position at the top of a hill. guards to stand their ground in a valley protecting the archers and the infantry/knights to charge.

I would like to see this games combat be as flexable as you want to play. Keep the simplicity but allow tactics if the person sees fit. I just bought the game and have stayed up the past 3 nights playing till early morning... :oops: The economy system is awesome also. I like the merchanting.

This game just rocks.
kinda like the hotkey chat commands in many modern first person shooters?

I interpret your idea as, press 1 to select a group of soldiers (ranging in size from 1 to "X") (where X is the max size of your group) 2 to select a different group,

press 1. Your character shouts "ARCHERS....."
press 3, Your character shouts "...CHARGE!!!"

This would necessitate completing a command before you could order a second group.

press 2. Your character shouts "AXEMEN....."
press 1, Your character shouts "...STAND YOUR GROUND!!!!"

If you were going to do something like this, it would require a more robust party control system wherein you could assign specific soldiers to specific roles.

I can't help but think that I'm not quite on the same plane of thought as you just yet. :smile:
Yes that is exactly what i am talking about.

Although i was thinking the menu could be based off of your 'party' screen. Your menu would be custom to what you actually have in your army.
Illinest said:
kinda like the hotkey chat commands in many modern first person shooters?

I interpret your idea as, press 1 to select a group of soldiers (ranging in size from 1 to "X") (where X is the max size of your group) 2 to select a different group,

press 1. Your character shouts "ARCHERS....."
press 3, Your character shouts "...CHARGE!!!"

This would necessitate completing a command before you could order a second group.

press 2. Your character shouts "AXEMEN....."
press 1, Your character shouts "...STAND YOUR GROUND!!!!"

If you were going to do something like this, it would require a more robust party control system wherein you could assign specific soldiers to specific roles.

I can't help but think that I'm not quite on the same plane of thought as you just yet. :smile:

That'd be pretty darn nice. Say, for example, you press Enter on the keypad to bring up a list of unit groups, from things like "vaegir knights", "swadian crossbowmen", "manhunters", "vaegir gaurds", all that stuff, each corresponding to a different number/symbol on the keypad. After you select a unit group, then it displays a list of commands, things like "hold this position", "follow me", "charge", the usual stuff, maybe some more advanced commands, such as "skirmish", "switch to blunt weapons", that kinda stuff. That would be very cool.
Dread,I like your ideas.

LOL... fools seldom differ. i'd take offense if i wasn't a fool. :razz: :grin:

BTW... Is there a list of things that are currently being developed? It would be nice to see what is activly being worked on.
I had another solution for this, which would not only allow you to give orders to groups, but would allow you to move single units around. I say allow you to pause the game and enter a top view where you can give your units orders like in a RTS. You shouldn't be able to fight the battle in this view, just give orders to units which they will follow after you resume the battle(kind of like a planning stage, except you can do it at any time). Some argued that this would ruin the realism, because you could see where the enemy is. But you already know right where the enemy is by either watching where your ESP gifted troops go, or in which direction your fps drops :lol: Or your troops in this view could simply have a vision range, with everything else darkened.
while the rts style thing sounds cool, i think we may be asking too much of armagan to ask him to write such drastic changes into the code. I think the most viable solutions will be the ones that work themeselves into the game in a more compatable manner to those features that already exist...

Also, I think that would intrude a bit on the realism. If you think about it, medieval commanders didn't have radios and gps, so in a pitched battle they aren't going to have complete command over everything that's happening. The most they could do, and I think the most we should have, are general shouted commands (or possibly flag signals or something) to attack, hold ground, get into formation, mount, dismount, and retreat. The only things I really think would be nice to be added are:

A) Ability to shout the orders to specific unit types, ie "ARCHERS; ATTACK"
B) Integrated formations.... i'm thinking 'smart' formations. for example, a double line would put your infantry in front and your ranged units behind, posisbly the cavalry comprising the wings or something. Then you would move together as a unit until the charge order was given to 1 or more unit groups. I don't know how much work it would take to make formations though, so it's not a priority.
C) When you give an order, your character actually shouts it. Of course, first the orders would have to be fixed so we don't have to spam them to get em to work... that could get annoying quick. Also, they could be imbellished a bit. For example archers;attack would be shouted as "ARCHERS! DRAW! RELEASE!" Of course, that would only be cool if we could implement archers firing in volleys...mmm...volleys.... you know what i mean though. Also, this might require us to choose a voice in the beginning along with a face and class, and so you might need some voice actors:smile: Along this same vein, I think a lot more ambient chatter should be added to the battles... battle cries, grunts of pain and exertion, screams, and curses. At the very least, a rousing cheer when you give the charge order and all your knights ride gloriously into battle... oh man... I would have your babies if you did that, armagan. no joke.

sorry for the lenthlyness. i can't sleep.
I agree with Arathiel about realism and respecting the limitations of this period's communication methods.

So, instead of some kind of satallite-overhead GPS of the battle field, I'd prefer some kind of pre-battle training. I'd like to be able to have a "playbook" of basic strategies, much like the diagrams an American fooball coach might have, that show posisions for archers, etc. That way, with particular training skills and charisma, my troops would know the two or three basic patterns I've devised, and I could just "hot key" the pattern near the start of battle, the same way that "follow me" etc. work now.
Have any of you played Freedom Fighters? It has what is probably one of the slickest unit command controls of any squad based shooter. I think a modified version of it would work well for MnB.
Same kind of command system as seen in Brothers In Arms would be great. In it you choose what squad you want to command and then show with your mouse where you want em and what you want em to do over there.
There's also this "tactical view" system, in it you see the battlefield from "bird's eye view" and there you see everything that your troops see, would be cool if you could give orders(waypoints & who to attack) to your troops in this mode. It would be maybe a little unrealistic but would be cool to see in M&B.
I would like to see battle crys and I would like to hear my character shout out the orders when I give 'em. Also, would it be possible to give my soldiers tabards that drape over their armor to give them some uniformity (and to prevent ff at long distance :oops: ).

Maybe argaman could also add standards that fly from poles your heros have on their horses (or perhaps on their lances so you see them waving when their lances are up?). And maybe have the ability to choose our flag design, unless we are swadians then maybe we have the swadian banners etc.

Wow that was a jumble sorry.
Oh, controlling a volley sounds fantastic.

You could draw an arrow and aim, and your npcs would do the same, copying your angle and direction.

I do like the brothers in arms system, say move, and point to a location, simple and effective. Very much like the swat 4 system.

I think there should be a retreat command as well. So your men run to the map boundries. But the voice should be more like...
"Run ya scurvey dogs!!"

But that sounded too piratey :smile:
Hello everybody,

I think not only the people discussing in this thread and myself think that a lack of tactical choices is the only BIG downside to the massive and quite realistic medieval battles in Mount&Blade. When I look at how much work armagan has put into making the combat system feel realistic, I get the feeling that he would like to have more choices of tactical decisions himself, but has to put his efforts into other priorities right now.

While reading this thread the idea occured to me that with a moderately difficult tweak to the way 'Leadership' is implemented, the combat system could be made much more tactical. My idea was to leave the 'Leadership' skill as it is currently, considering the total number of troops you can command. But instead of restricting the amount of troop types in your party to your Leadership, it could be made so that the higher the skill is, the more groups you can form in the party screen, thus assigning them to the respective number on your keyboard in battles.

What do you think of this? There could still be some kind of 'shout' when issuing commands, depending on the unit types that are inside the group.
For example:
Hit '1' - '1st Infantry...' (a group of foot soldiers and/or archers)
Hit '1' - '...hold ground!'

Another example:
Hit '2' - '2nd Cavalry...' (a group of mounted soldiers, no matter what weapons they use)
Hit '3' - '... FULL CHARGE!'

I hope I did explain clearly enough how I imagined this. Sometimes I get a bit stuck with my english... :oops:

All my regards
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