SP - Battles & Sieges Castle Siege Suggestions

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- Be able to sally out onto the castle map to kill the attackers outside the walls. Currently, the map used is a generic battle map.
- Be able to sally out of the castle on horse back
- Have a 'secret passage' option as a castle upgrade
- Be able to use the 'secret passage' to sally out a small force to sabotage enemy efforts

- Numbered groups designated by the player not functioning properly. Very different configuration and mixed troop types during defense. Some designated groups have zero troops in error.
- Poor control of configured troop groups during the castle defense

- Castle siege victory
... Very short video clip of the defeated enemy banners being cut down while at the same time the victor's banners are being unfurled on the castle front walls by friendly soldiers
... Ability to throw a Lord Hall banquet after seizing a castle
+ Campanions and actual soldiers present in the festivities. Some are noticeably injured and bandaged.
+ Use up player party rations to support the banquet
+ Healing and morale bonus if the player opts to conduct a celebration banquet
+ Player option to share the loot with companions and troops for positive affect
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