Bug Reports (for Phantasy Calradia 2014 only please)

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Suminagashi said:
The reason I ended up not fighting the orc raider bandits is because of this other problem I have, although I suspect it may be a problem with Warband in general and not your mod specifically, but I do not know for certain. Basically, after saving different bandits from defeat at the hands of wandering undead several times, I managed to inadvertently get on the bandits' good side. You'd think they would remember all of the even more numerous times I beat up the bandits, but nope, never got any negative relations from fighting them, prior to or after gaining their approval. I admit it's rather convenient that I can travel in relative safety now, but it has caused me an unfortunate side-effect as well. The problem I am having is that I cannot attack any bandits that I have a positive relation with, unless I join the side of someone else who is fighting with them. Because I can't directly fight with a lot of bandits now, there are a few quests I cannot complete if accepted. It seems odd to me that merely having positive relations with the bandits would end up treating them as if they were of my own faction rather than any other faction I have positive relations with. But, like I said, maybe this is just a problem of Warband's and there isn't anything that can be done.

I would call that a bonus... I'd rather have bandits wandering around NOT attacking me than to have the bandit groups I end up with on the map *Shivers* 100+ bandits against my army of at most 100 units *Shivers.* I will say that it'd be kinda cool if he did what Sword of Damocles Warlords has in it where you start out -100 relation but can end up having 100 relation and anything above 0 they would join in a fight to aid you, tbh they also had villages helping as well as lords and random npcs aiding based on relation which was nice as well... could attack a town that I had a huge relation bonus over the owners and the locals would help me take their town XD
I am having trouble with faction relation I have the newest download and nothing I do increases or decreases relation with any faction Doing quests or necromancy does nothing.
1. When I finished build of Messenger and Prison in town, I have no option to migrate population
2. Immortals don't like undead
I don't think Vaegir Hieromonks are considered Vaegir units for the purpose of morale. I just finished a war against the Vaegirs, so naturally the fighting with them left me with a temporary modifier of -30 morale for Vaegir units. All of my other troops are at Very High morale and a Vedmak in my party is only at Average. However, the few Vaegir Hieromonks I have are also at Very High morale.
Orc Raider shamans are not considered mages. Watch them in the archer group as they stand there doing nothing. No spell slinging what so ever. Neither have I seen them use divine magic as well, so their script may be bugged or they don't have any spells.

Side note: Not sure if this is supposed to be the case but they don't use the shaman staff but instead a hafted blade in battle
I've been playing as a necromancer and have been loving the mod, but I'm getting messages about my non-evil troops being unhappy about undead in my ranks. The thing is I have no non-evil troops (only drows, orcs, undead, and shadows). I think it stems from freeing captives from non evil parties (say orcs from blazing hand) after I defeat them. It also seems to go away after I upgrade the troops or time passes (I dk), but either way the morale penalty is steep.

edit: I do have the most recent version of the game, and this happens with an army with no dark mages (I'm looking to get some though).
911pmurphy said:
I've been playing as a necromancer and have been loving the mod, but I'm getting messages about my non-evil troops being unhappy about undead in my ranks. The thing is I have no non-evil troops (only drows, orcs, undead, and shadows). I think it stems from freeing captives from non evil parties (say orcs from blazing hand) after I defeat them. It also seems to go away after I upgrade the troops or time passes (I dk), but either way the morale penalty is steep.

edit: I do have the most recent version of the game, and this happens with an army with no dark mages (I'm looking to get some though).
Do you perhaps have some bandit mages? They clash with undead untill upgraded. Not sure otherwise
Don't know if this has been mentioned, but I got a gig for the orc guild master to babysit a caravan to Shariz, and as soon as we left town, the caravan merchants were swamped by the town's orc patrols and massacred (no way was I getting in that mess as I was trying to increase my orc relations) so the quest failed almost immediately. They left me alone (freelance necromancer, if that matters, with a band of drow, orcs and undead) but it was weird so I thought I'd mention it.
Yep WizardOfAtlantis, I had that same thing happen to me. I'm not completely sure but I think you may have been able to defend the caravan without repercussion.

Suminagashi said:
You know those orc patrols that guard the lands near Bloody Cliff? Well, I got a quest from the Guild Master of Bloody Cliff to escort a caravan to another city, and those orc patrols immediately started attacking the caravan. Thankfully it didn't piss off the orc faction when I defended the caravan, but I still thought it odd that they'd be so bloodthirsty as to try raiding what should theoretically be good for their economy. I suppose you could say that the Guild Master actually hired me to protect the caravan from the nearby overzealous orcs, but it seemed like a bug or some such to me.
Don't know if it is a bug or not, when I select Drow in character creation screen I always got a 'black face', but other Drow NPCs ingame seems to have normal faces. Is the 'black face' bit intended or it is a bug?
Suminagashi said:
Yep WizardOfAtlantis, I had that same thing happen to me. I'm not completely sure but I think you may have been able to defend the caravan without repercussion.
Really? I hadn't even considered it as a possibility.  :shock: Well, that's something to think on, thanks. I still think it shouldn't work that way, for the good of the orc realm, but maybe I'll give it a try sometime...once I have a band big enough to take on multiple orc patrols simultaneously!  :lol:
I don't know if there's a requirement for spells but whenever i try using the lightning spell nothing happens. During battle when I click on the spell all it does is sheathes my weapons.
WizardOfAtlantis said:
Don't know if this has been mentioned, but I got a gig for the orc guild master to babysit a caravan to Shariz, and as soon as we left town, the caravan merchants were swamped by the town's orc patrols and massacred (no way was I getting in that mess as I was trying to increase my orc relations) so the quest failed almost immediately. They left me alone (freelance necromancer, if that matters, with a band of drow, orcs and undead) but it was weird so I thought I'd mention it.
I just corrected that one. Thanks for the report. It turns out that in the very early versions of the mod orcs were restricted to being a bandit faction and at war with everyone and everything so the bad relations with the commoners persisted :grin:
RedInfinite said:
I don't know if there's a requirement for spells but whenever i try using the lightning spell nothing happens. During battle when I click on the spell all it does is sheathes my weapons.
You're trying to use it mounted, aren't you?
Hello! Great mod! Thanks a lot!
I found some bug I could not find in the list above.
1. first tundra bandits were attacking me as crazy even if they have 7 troops in stack and I have 80, they followed me instead of running from me.
2. at some moment it changed completely, suddenly all bandit factions became neutral and I cannot engage them into battle. I start the battle and I have only "leave" option. So i have to leave the battle without any fight. This is the same with every roaming unit accept Undead. I still can attack them and can attack all major factions too. Its really hard to play like that, so many missed opportunities to fight and increase moral and get some loot.
YeoL said:
1. first tundra bandits were attacking me as crazy even if they have 7 troops in stack and I have 80, they followed me instead of running from me.
I think I had something similar happen to me at some point with the Forest Bandits; they used to be reasonable but then something in them snapped and now they rush at me all suicidal-like. I haven't gone near them in a while so I cannot say without testing if they still do it to me or not.

YeoL said:
2. at some moment it changed completely, suddenly all bandit factions became neutral and I cannot engage them into battle. I start the battle and I have only "leave" option. So i have to leave the battle without any fight. This is the same with every roaming unit accept Undead. I still can attack them and can attack all major factions too. Its really hard to play like that, so many missed opportunities to fight and increase moral and get some loot.
Did you help the bandits fight someone else? Any time you help a group of people and they likely would have died without your help, you'll gain relation with that faction, be it Bandits, Forest Bandits, Mountain Bandits, Deserters, Undead, or whatever. Whenever your relation with an antagonistic faction goes into the positives, they'll stop attacking you. Due to a bug, you unfortunately cannot attack a befriended faction. For example, I helped save bandits from their undead attackers numerous times as my redeemer paladin, so now Looters/Sea Raiders/Corsairs/Taiga Bandits/Lawless Elven Warbands/Drow Surface Raiders/Orc Raiders/Greedy Dwarves/Crazy Mage/Sanctimonious Fundamentalists and I cannot fight each other unless I help someone else fight against them, which for some reason does not reduce my relation with them regardless. On a side note, you'd think the new bandit armies in this mod (racial and religious ones, and crazy mage) would be within the Deserter faction instead of the Bandit faction, but whatever; I guess the normal Deserters already fill that role of sorts too.
YeoL said:
Suminagashi said:
YeoL said:
1. first tundra bandits were attacking me as crazy even if they have 7 troops in stack and I have 80, they followed me instead of running from me.
I think I had something similar happen to me at some point with the Forest Bandits; they used to be reasonable but then something in them snapped and now they rush at me all suicidal-like. I haven't gone near them in a while so I cannot say without testing if they still do it to me or not.

YeoL said:
2. at some moment it changed completely, suddenly all bandit factions became neutral and I cannot engage them into battle. I start the battle and I have only "leave" option. So i have to leave the battle without any fight. This is the same with every roaming unit accept Undead. I still can attack them and can attack all major factions too. Its really hard to play like that, so many missed opportunities to fight and increase moral and get some loot.
Did you help the bandits fight someone else? Any time you help a group of people and they likely would have died without your help, you'll gain relation with that faction, be it Bandits, Forest Bandits, Mountain Bandits, Deserters, Undead, or whatever. Whenever your relation with an antagonistic faction goes into the positives, they'll stop attacking you. Due to a bug, you unfortunately cannot attack a befriended faction. For example, I helped save bandits from their undead attackers numerous times as my redeemer paladin, so now Looters/Sea Raiders/Corsairs/Taiga Bandits/Lawless Elven Warbands/Drow Surface Raiders/Orc Raiders/Greedy Dwarves/Crazy Mage/Sanctimonious Fundamentalists and I cannot fight each other unless I help someone else fight against them, which for some reason does not reduce my relation with them regardless. On a side note, you'd think the new bandit armies in this mod (racial and religious ones, and crazy mage) would be within the Deserter faction instead of the Bandit faction, but whatever; I guess the normal Deserters already fill that role of sorts too.
eople and they likely would have died without your help, you'll gain relation with that faction, be it Bandits, Forest Bandits, Mountain Bandits, Deserters, Undead, or whatever. Whenever your relation with an antagonistic faction goes into the positives, they'll stop attacking you. Due to a bug, you unfortunately cannot attack a befriended faction. For example, I helped save bandits from their undead attackers numerous times as my redeemer paladin, so now Looters/Sea Raiders/Corsairs/Taiga Bandits/Lawless Elven Warbands/Drow Surface Raiders/Orc Raiders/Greedy Dwarves/Crazy Mage/Sanctimonious Fundamentalists and I cannot fight each other unless I help someone else fight against them, which for some reason does not reduce my relation with them regardless. On a side note, you'd think the new bandit armies in this mod (racial and religious ones, and crazy mage) would be within the Deserter faction instead of the Bandit faction, but whatever; I guess the normal Deserters already fill that role of sorts too.
I really like this mod but its a bit frustrating to play like that; have no chance to engage in battle with so many small parties. yes I have helped them against each other and now bandits are a friendly faction to me....I see. So the only option I see for myself now is to start new game and don't help any of those small bands. Thank you!
YeoL said:
I really like this mod but its a bit frustrating to play like that; have no chance to engage in battle with so many small parties. yes I have helped them against each other and now bandits are a friendly faction to me....I see. So the only option I see for myself now is to start new game and don't help any of those small bands. Thank you!
Well, it should be fixed (in a way) in the next version, so if you can be patient and maybe play another character for the time being, you ought to be able to return to your current character after an update. It's up to you, though, and I wouldn't blame you for starting over to get around it. Just be sure to export/import the character so you at least don't lose all of your progress!
guspav said:
It's sort of a unintended feature, but it can also break quests so it's also a bug :razz:
I can make a script that resets bandits' relations towards the player every day, though.
It could be useful if I made a new alternate way of becoming a bandit king, but that, so far is just an idea, so I'll just make the goddamn script hehe.
Not sure if this is a bug, or intended to be like this. I've found that after playing other mods, the villages seem to take forever (it's been something like 20+ days since the last time) to give tasks, for increasing your relationship with them. Also they're not very frequent. I've rode around to ten villages and only one of them had anything to do, in 20+ days. In over 100 days, I've had two tasks.
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