[BoP: 1910] Signups

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All reports and cards finished and validated. Going to go to dinner and then finish up the global. HULK also made a map for us, so kudos to him.

If you have problems with your cards, come to me.
If you have problems with your turn 0 reports, it depends on who wrote it. These countries were written by me:
Ottoman Empire

These countries were written by Leoven:
United Kingdom

Going forward, UK, Belgium, Austria Hungary, and Italy will have reports written by Leoven. The rest will be written by me, and all cards are my responsibility.

Please remember Rule 1: no *****ing. If there was a genuine historical oversight or failure, feel free to talk to us about it, but whining that things aren't 100% perfect makes hosting miserable.

Reports and cards will be out with the global within three hours. Looking forward to seeing what you do. :smile:
Interesting, I'll be keeping an eye on this (can I comment in the other thread?) although it'd be from a position of ignorance about BoP.
:sad: Hey, I may be blonde but I'm not that blonde. It's the use of orders and the interplayer interactions that I'm not so sure about.
Question, would adding outside nations involved in the war (if World War 1 does erupt) like Canada, Japan and others be fine? They'd be limited to either an expeditionary force or dealing with a specific subset of nations, but would that'd be fine? I'd gladly play as Canadian forces fighting under the Commonwealth, maybe as a commander or something. Or hell, even operating as a commander under Britain in that case.
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